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we has mother know want best for our children?

We all mother knows wants best for our children but why half the time it hard to do. I have wonderful 21 month old daughter. i found out on my birthday I was pregnant and had her by christmas. So it was like my birthday and christmas gift that year.

She means so much to me. We had rough first year of her life. My daughter was born with webb toes on one of her foot. I had no problem with that. I love her the way she is. My daughter been hospital 4 times of her life for weight issues. When she was 3 months old children service took her away from me. It was battle of getting custody of my baby girl. Finally I got custody of her and children service finally closed my case.

My daughter is failure to thrive since she was one month old. We have no clue why she can't gain weight and eat like she should. My daughter is very active toddler. I am over protective of her. My daughter has a feeding tube since she was 6 months old to help her to gain the weight. But lately she hasn;t been gaining. I do feel at times wonder if we ever get answers why she like this. My daughter vomits and even she on medicine for her reflux since 3 months old. My daughter only eats 3 to 5 bites and she is done. My daughter on special formula to help her to gain weight.

I had hard decision to make. At 6 months old seeing my daughter with a feeding tube. I didn;t feel comfortable taking her out of public and have people asking me why she has that. My daughter can drink from sippy cup and a bottle. My daughter gets one bottle a day because she drinks more from bottle then sippy cup.

I know this time I made the right choice. I found a new pedi doctor for her. He thinks she might have gastric problems. Tomorrow I have a appointment to see a new gi doctor I requested on my own. Her last gi doctor wouldn;t listen to me,

Like I said my daughter hasn't been gaining to much weight over a month now. I am scared that they admit her back in the hospital. I love my daughter so much. I happy that I have her and she is big part of my life. God gave me this gift. I have no clue want to expect with this new gi doctor tomorrow that I am getting nervous about. But this want my daughter needs for her health.

My daughter has been 5% percentile since 1 month old. And her height have no clue but she growing slowly.

What did you have to make for your child

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well your question on the top doesn't make that much sense.

    Anyway, I'm glad your daughter is a fighter, and I wish you luck when you visit the new doctor.

  • pdooma
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Mother always knows best, huh? Can you tell that to my son's mother who hasn't laid eyes on him since birth?


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