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How often does your children see their grandparents?

My parents are it town so my children can see them often they like. Now I have 8 year old son that his other grandma ( my son dad mom) lives out of town. It like an hour away. She call and ask if she can have him for a weekend or holidays when they get together has a family. Which I have no problem with. She comes pick him up and drops him off. We meet our my town walmart. My son loves his grandma there. Right now he been asking to see her and stay there for a weekend. I told him he would need to wait because she on the road and won't be back till October 17. And your grandma will let me know when she back home for good.

His dad also lives up there. And only time he gets to see our son when his mom has him. I have a whole lot of reasons why. His dad can't not leave the house with his son because of anger issues. He says he taking classes for that but don't know if it working or not. My son was scared of him yelling and he came home once with a bruise on his butt. My son told me this.

I am been thinking for some time about this. Would you think if it ok for him to see his grandma every other weekend. If she ok with it. I don't think it a problem for her. My son been through a lot changes here lately. He loves his grandma there. I think it would give him a break from dealing with my boyfriend daughter and he get attention. I know he will be seeing his father there but longest my son fine with his daddy being there. I would do it.

I will be taking to her soon. Should i go ahead let him go up there every other weekend.

His father been in and out of jail for a lot of reason. One of them is because he hasn't been paying child support.

Also my son has 4 brother and 1 sister that lives up there he also gets to see when he there.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My kids see my parents a couple of times a week. This is only because we live 5 mins away and I am there a lot to help care for my brother who has a brain injury. My daughter sees my ex's parents only once in a while. They live only a half hour away, but they are not responsible people so I can't trust my daughter with them. For example, they let her stay up literally all night long, give her soda all day long, let her go to other people's house (alone) whom I don't know, and let her go with her father out alone (which I don't allow because he is a drug dealer) So even though I have explained that she is my child and they need to respect and adhere to my wishes about bedtimes, diet, and supervision, they don't care. So she doesn't ge very often, and never overnight. If you and her are clear on your son's rules and needs (not being alone with his father as you want), then I don't see a problem with him going. It's great for him to be able to have a relationship with his grandma.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It depends which grandparent. She sees my dad about 1-3 times a week. He stops by to have dinner or just to say hi for a few minutes. She sees my mom about once or twice a month(my daughter is out to dinner with her now). She rarely sees her dad's parents. They only want to see her if she can spend the night over at their house-which I am not comfortable with since I don't really even know them well. And her dad doesn't want her to be alone with his parents because they were somewhat abusive to him when he was younger. Your in laws have no right to grandparents visitation rights. They don't have any rights over you and your husbands child. One day a week is very generous. In laws can be such a pain.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My parents live in another state as us, so the kids only see them a few times a year. They do webcam with them once or twice a week, though.

    They see my husband's father almost every other day. He lives about 5 minutes away from us and comes to see the kids as much as he can. My husband's mother, on the other hand, lives about 15 minutes away from us and hasn't seen the kids since 4 months ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son sees his fathers parents every day, mainly because they live in the same building as us!

    He sees my mother once a week at least, I go in and meet her at work and we have lunch together then after she finishes work we go back to her place for a couple of hours and my husband picks us up to go home.

    I see nothing wrong with your son going to see his paternal grandmother every other weekend, mum used to let us go and stay with our grandparents every weekend. Actually I think it's great that he still has a relationship with the paternal grandmother even though you are separated from his father- many mothers cut off all access from the fathers side of the family after a separation, so grandparents often miss out.

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  • ME
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My mom they see the most. But it just depends on the week usually 3-4 times a week. Since my mom is the one that babysits them when we work. Although when I have off from work (for the summer) or vacation or holidays- They usually only see her 1 time a week.

    My Dad 1-2 times a week.

    MIL about 2 times a month

    FIL 1 time every one or two months.

    My husband and my parents are separated... so it varies for each Grandparent

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My kid's saw their mother's mother almost every day from the time they were real little until she got really sick. Then I would bring them to see her every few days until she died.

    I don't have a good relationship with my parents. When they were babies I still lived with my parents, so then they saw them every day. After that I brought them over once a month or so, for my kid's sake and so I could see my younger siblings. Now my kids see my parents whenever they feel like it and every other month when the whole family gets together for dinner. My youngest brother is 2 years older than my son and they are pretty tight so my two kids will go over to their house quite often.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A few times a year. I live in Florida, my parents moved back to New York when I was in college, so I try to make a few trips back there a year (to see them, and all of my old friends, aunts, and uncles, etc...). My parents come here once or twice a year as well.

    My ex husband's parents live 4 hours away, so we see them every few months

  • 1 decade ago

    They see my parents every couple of weeks. They come here (1 hr away) or we hang out there when we go in for Doctor/dentist appointments. They see my husbands mom every few months - she lives 5 hours away - hasn't quite got it that it really is easier for HER to come HERE than it is or US to go THERE. (Traveling with 5 kids is no easy task LOL) However I just got a call that she's coming up this weekend because she wants to see them before Christmas. (That and hubby works out of town and the 5 hour trek is one I absolutely refuse to take alone) If she or we lived closer we'd see her more often than that.

    Source(s): Life- it's really up to you - what do you think is best? What are you comfortable with?
  • 1 decade ago

    My ex-husband is married to this lady and she is very rude to my sons and I, and I am not thrilled about her. But my ex-husbands mom has been wanting to see him for years. He is 6 years old and his brother is 9 and his other brother is 14 and they see their grandma every OTHER weekend. One weekend they with dad mom, the next with my mom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My ex's mom never sees my boys! She lives only 4 hours away and she doesnt even attempt to call! What a wonderful grandma! Shes a disgusting person! How are you going to not call your grandkids?? My mom is a cool grandma and my dad is a cool grandpa!! BUT NOT MY KIDS FATHER MOM!!

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