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Just a fun question: top, bottom or versatile?

For each of the following celebrities, choose (a) Top, (b) Bottom or (c) Versatile

1. Tom Cruise

2. Clay Aiken

3. Neil Patrick Harris

4. Ricky Martin

5. Anderson Cooper

6. Chad Allen

7. Leonardo DiCaprio

8. The Rock

9. Zac Effron

10. Lance Bass

(this is just for fun, don't take it seriously please)


Stan -

First of all it's LIBEL not slander since it is written.

Second, it is not even libel because this is obviously tongue-in-cheek humor and nobody is stating it as fact. And celebrities are fair game. Why do you think Jay Leno is not sued every day?

You need to lighten up. You'll live longer ;)

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Tom Cruise - bottom

    2. Clay Aiken - top

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - versatile

    4. Ricky Martin - bottom

    5. Anderson Cooper - top

    6. Chad Allen - top

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio -top

    8. The Rock - versatile

    9. Zac Effron -bottom

    10. Lance Bass - top

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Tom Cruise - power bottom

    2. Clay Aiken- huge power bottom

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - versatile

    4. Ricky Martin- submissive bottom

    5. Anderson Cooper- versatile

    6. Chad Allen- versatile

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio- top, but would bottom if pushed

    8. The Rock- versatile, but will tell you he's a top

    9. Zac Effron- power bottom, likes to look at himself in the mirror when he's boinked

    10. Lance Bass- surprisingly, a top

    Source(s): my intuition
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. Tom Cruise - top

    2. Clay Aiken - bottom

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - versatile

    4. Ricky Martin - versatile/bottom

    5. Anderson Cooper - versatile/top

    6. Chad Allen - top

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio - straight

    8. The Rock - straight

    9. Zac Effron - bottom

    10. Lance Bass - bottom

  • ^_^
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. Tom Cruise - top

    2. Clay Aiken - who?

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - who? :P

    4. Ricky Martin - straight

    5. Anderson Cooper - bottom

    6. Chad Allen - top

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio - vers

    8. The Rock - top

    9. Zac Effron - bottom

    10. Lance Bass - who?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Tom Cruise - b

    2. Clay Aiken - who?

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - who?

    4. Ricky Martin - v - i lov him

    5. Anderson Cooper - who?

    6. Chad Allen - who?

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio - I don't even want to think,bluah

    8. The Rock - mmmmmm sexy - versatile

    9. Zac Effron - b

    10. Lance Bass - t

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Tom Cruise - c

    2. Clay Aiken - b

    3. Neil Patrick Harris - a

    4. Ricky Martin - b

    5. Anderson Cooper - a

    6. Chad Allen - b

    7. Leonardo DiCaprio - c

    8. The Rock - b

    9. Zac Effron - c

    10. Lance Bass - b

  • 1 decade ago

    1. A top

    2. Bottom

    3. Versatile

    4. Bottom

    5. All mine,,,lol

    6. top

    7. N/A

    8. Too

    9. Top

    10. Bottom

  • 1 decade ago

    2 early in the a.m. to start .. !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you really want to run the risk of being sued for slander? Sorry, this brand of "fun" is not for me.

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