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Do They Know The Difference?

I've noted of late a lot of questions in this category dealing with video games and TV shows instead of real military questions. This indicates to me that some posing questions don't know the difference between serving in the military and the fantasy world of the joy stick and the remote control.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gregblack is right, the first question many soldiers are asked is how many we've killed. I'm surprised they don't ask us how many player points we get for shooting someone, or if we can "upgrade" our weapons after enough kills.

    My son likes those games and we have had discussions on what is real and what isn't. Bodies in combat don't just fade away. It has also helped us talk about what his grandfather went through in WW2.

    So gamers

    We aren't all snipers.

    A wounded soldier doesn't just need a bottle of "health"

    Dead soldiers are mourned and missed, they don't "re spawn"

    Your issue weapon is pretty much it, you don't upgrade.

    Talk to vets and learn all you can from them, I feel honored to be included in their company, since many have done a lot more than me.

    Source(s): Army 6 years, Guard 21 years, and still at it
  • AD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I usually blame the bot since people who make questions about war games don't bother to check the category it is about to be posted in and just hit the post button. Believe it or not, I once got reported for telling someone asking a question about Gears of War 2 that they put in the wrong category even though I gave them a link to a web page on Gamespot that answered their question. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them have no plans of joining the military. However, you will have that occasional 13-year old who wants to join the military because they got a really high rank playing Call of Duty on Xbox Live and they think that real combat is just as fun as the games. Hopefully those guys will wise up before they are actually old enough to join.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    THANK YOU. I have been asking this question for forever. I'm 18 and am planning on making a career out of the military. Whenever someone hears about what I want to do they immediately make assumptions about war based off the games they have played. Obviously, I have no experience to factually counter this, but I know that games are not real life. A lot of people really can't tell the difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    unfortunately many people are getting the lines blurred between reality and fantasy and the reason that they ask said questions on here are because they don't realize the difference and there by see the word military and think "oh wait i'm starting up a new gaming clan for Call of Duty why not post it here" with out realizing that this is for actual military questions

  • 1 decade ago

    Ha if only my last few deployments were a video game.....oh yes thats right they made it into a video game. But still people like to be able to shot the enemy while high on weed and sitting on their couch. Why were 75lbs of body armor carry 210 rounds and sweat your *** off in 140 degree heat just to kill the bad guy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im a recruiter here in my area. often i get asked to speak in front of students ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade. usually i always get asked the same two questions, "how many people have you killed?" and "how many times have you been shot?". i really believe that alot of kids today cant tell the difference between games and real life. this is not a game to me, i take what i do seriously, although i do sometimes provide very sarcastic answers. for all the kids reading this, you dont get shot then wake up on another part of the field with two more "lives" to go. this is real!

    Source(s): US ARMY recruiter
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is really annoying. Y/A made the default for war etc. and the poster for not paying attention to the section.

  • These wrong posts are usually do to YA's BOT that picks where to post your question, most people don't pay attention and make sure their question goes where it should.

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