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desertviking_00 asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

How Many Of You Have Caught A Game At A Minor League Park?

Believe it or not those guys play their hearts out for a lot less money than the lowest paid major leaguer. I gave up on MLB parks years ago. Can't afford it and the level of play isn't that much better.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have and I know how you feel. I'm the same way. I went to many minor league games including the Staten Island Yankees and the Yankees AAA team (i'm not even a Yankee fan) because i just can't afford MLB tickets.

    However, I did attend a few Met games. There are days when they lower their ticket price to 5 dollars just because they don't expect fans to show up (games against lousy teams on a workday in the afternoon). Those are the only games i attended. This year i'm not sure there will ever be those $5 seats (new stadium) so it's unlikely I'll be going to any MLB games this year. All my money is going to school. ; (

  • 1 decade ago

    The quality of the game is so much worse, but I've seen the Springfield Cardinals (AA affiliate for the Cardinals) in action. Since these guys are prospects, they're allowed to play through slumps that major leaguers would never be given the chance to work out. So, when you see a guy stepping to the plate, it's not uncommon to see a .220 average (or less) if he's considered a prospect, and usually an embarrassing ground out or pop fly will ensue.

    However, there are a lot of other really good players that make the games a lot of fun. For instance, the season before last I was lucky enough to witness Bryan Anderson and Jon Jay (two well regarded Cards prospects) play in the same game. Both did pretty well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love watching minor leaguers play less ego, more fan friendly and it's a lot cheaper than going to a major league game. You can take the whole family or a few friends and spend about what you would for one person to get into a major league park.

  • Seriously, the level of play in the Majors is far better. How many Milb players can hit more than 5 home runs against major league pitchers in a season or visa versa with pitchers against hitters. MLB parks are much nicer than below average minor league parks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've seen several minor league games. I saw an independent team play, as well as the Springfield Cardinals and Toledo Mud Hens.

    I prefer the MLB, though. In my mind, the talent of the MLB players is much better than minor leaguers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i see quite a few Tacoma Rainiers' games at Cheney Stadium, because I enjoy scouting out the new talent in the M's organization with my Grandpa. But I definitely disagree with the level of play, there are some freakin bone heads who play in AAA and below. Yes, there are lots of Dominican treats who grace us with their high athleticism and drive, but mostly a lot of wash-ups who still can't make the big leagues. MLB is the league that attracts the biggest stars, and highest talent from the entire Earth. Nuf said.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya, I've been to a couple of Sacramento Rivercats games (Oakland A's AAA team.) I even got Tim Hudson's autograph while he was on the A's, rehabbing an injury in the minors. Pretty cool, since I've been to about 5 times as many major league games, and havnt come close to an autograph...

  • 1 decade ago

    I went to a trenton thunder game AA for the Yankees i like the MLB but it is too expensive. i enjoy going to minor league games but only if they are an affiliate of a team i like. I came close to catching a ball at the games though!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been to the Wilmington Blue Rocks (Wilmington De)

    and the Trenton Thunder. I like going to these games better then going tp a MLB game. I can see 10 more of these games then I can go to 1 MLB game & have the same amount of fun doing it.

  • I live near a town with a minor league team and i try to go to 5 - 10 a year, and its always a good time

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