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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

i dont want to die, but i cant keep living like this..?

i quit college because i cant pay for it.

my job is on the rocks..

so, with nothing better to do;

i wake up in the morning at about noon.

make breakfast, and throw it all up.

then i go to the gym for about an hour and a half.

i come home and read depressing books,

my latest is the bell jar by sylvia plath.

then i usually clean, all of the same things i cleaned the day before.

just to keep my self occupied.

but it never works.

you see, i get in these moods.

its like i am a totally different person, like i am unconscious.

i start picking at myself. anything and everything.

until my whole body is bleeding. and i dont know its happening.

ill even do other things and not have a clue.

it will happen through out the day.

one second i am fine, the next i want to punch a hole through the door.

the day continues on back and forth like this until night time.

i usually take a long bath and hold my breath under water so i can feel that my heart is still beating.

then i grab a razor blade and cut until the water in the bath is red.

when i am emotionally exhausted, i sleep. at about 2 in the morning.

and it all begins again the next day.

i dont have any friends. they deserted me the first time i went to the mental hospital. my parents dont give a rats *** about me and never have. my dad uses me for money, and my mother is too busy having sex with her 25 year old boyfriend (she is 40) with whom she tried to set me up with before she started dating him. i could go the rest of my life without seeing either one of them again.

i am all alone. all the time.

i used to tell people that i wouldnt commit suicide.

rather, i could guarantee i would do it slowly, and painfully.

they would tell me that i was so calm cool and collected,

how could it be that i am so sad?

its an act.

when on the inside i am dying.

one agonizing day at a time.

as are we all.

do you have any ideas why i feel like this?

what can i do to change?


help me..


i was in the hospital about a year ago.

it helped while i was there, even though i did not realize it at the time.

i enjoyed the fact that people cared enough to listen.

religion, is a struggle.

i have my own relationship with god.

but i dont really consider it to be a religion, but if i am desperate, i pray.

otherwise, i dont do anything religious at all and prefer not to...

Update 2:

i am not taking any medications.

i was on prozac, but it turned me into a zombie. i had no emotion at all. and i hated it. also, i dont have any health insurance or any source of income. so i cant really see or do anything professionally about this..

i like sylvia plath.

she is imperfect.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Well without talking to you or hearing all your problems I can see your in pretty bad shape. I've been in and out of serious depression since I was 16. I had a major gambling problem most of my twenties which lead me to being a border line alcoholic as well. The main thing I can tell you is to read a book I did called the alcoholism and addiction cure. It gives a lot of good information but one of the main things it talks about is how our mind and body become one. When you say you feel your unconscious while awake I totally understand. The book kind of explains how are body begins to crave depression. Even though your mind is struggling to get rid of bad thoughts your body is fighting the change you are trying to make back to a normal lifestyle. Believe it or not your body and mind becomes used to the pain of cutting yourself and actually desires it. Anyway, just try reading some good books like the one I described and make a small change in your life everyday. Good luck

  • Aimee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    you need medications to help you calm down so you can think more clear. Talk to your doctor tomorrow. Maybe you need to go inpatient for a while. Get into group therapy or some other activity where you are with other people and stop spending so much time alone. If you are unhappy being around your family, then stay away from them. Surround yourself with people who you can tolerate better. You need to make friends with people who are in your same situation so you can help each other. Cut your fingernails short so you cant pick at your sores. Keep bandaids on the spots that are bleeding because they will get infected. Even if you have 100 bandaids on you, its better then getting an infection.

    And take care. People do care, even if you think they dont. Someone always cares.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Some things to ponder : ~ Do you sleep at regular hours ? Between 10pm and 7am ? Not sleeping at night, the time when feel good hormones are being made can make you feel flat ~ Do you eat good quality protein, beef is the best source. Protein is needed to make the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which you would be low in. ~ Is there someone you need to forgive for something, it could even be yourself ? ~ Do you exercise at all - getting your blood pumping around smoothly helps to get your mind focused on what you are actually doing at the time and to feel good about yourself ~ Helping someone else is a sure way to help you feel better - is there an elderly relative of yours who needs some shopping done or a cupboard cleaned out ? Do your parents want the garage swept ? ~ If you use marijuana this would be the reason you feel down, same goes for amphetamines

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that your life has taken this turn and that you are feeling so alone and depressed. You mentioned that you have visited a mental hospital before, how long ago was this and did it help? Did you have the same experiences before visiting this hospital or have they changed?

    If you don't mind me asking, do you believe in a specific religion? If not, have you ever considered it?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah I read the Bell Jar too when I am depressed. You should check yourself into a mental hospital and just hang out until you feel better.

  • 1 decade ago

    See a doctor. Get on an anti-depressant. No one should have to feel that way. There are people in the world who can help you and care about you. I'm sorry for the pain you are feeling. I hope you try to seek help.

  • 1 decade ago

    At least go see a psychiatrist - with the right meds, you can feel a lot better (without necessarily being hospitalized); don't do this to yourself - it's nothing you can control (no mind over matter)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    u know what u should do?...u should send everybody to hell and start a new life...just u, and start making friends...just say hi to anybody and make friends...take a loan and finish you professional goal and pay afterward...if some thought is trying to make you sad...SEND IT TO HELL...and just tell your self "i am valuable to the world" "i am an individual and there is no one like me" "because i am important" and believe that you are better than anyone..just cut all the crap and start a new life...and forget if ur parents aren't what u wanted them to be...they are just like any other individual, and u are another, but u have different goals and if they don't care it doesn't matter because u are the one going forward...

    i hope this helped u...

    and don't forget u are unique and u have all the power inside u to make things better..u just have to find it

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it looks dark right now because that is the illness affecting your perception of things. You may not believe it right now but things can get better. Hang in there.

  • You are sick of living in a police state where you have no power. You should fly to a country like Bolivia where there is more freedom and the cost of living is low.

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