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When do you give an answer a thumbs down?

Seems someone has been diligent in marking answers with thumbs down. Is it thumbs down season once again?


BL is on a sabbatical leave. She left a message before the start of the holidays that she will go on an indefinite leave to recuperate from her illness. She might be back anytime.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when the answer has nothing to do with the question, is incompetent, or unnecessary. for example...

    "i don't know."

    "that's great. bananas are good."

    "ew. that's disgusting."

  • 5 years ago

    The thumbs down should no more require an explanation then the thumbs up. I try to give factual and correct answers also and hope that what I have said has helped the person who asked the question. Weather the others who are reading and writing answers out there liked what I had to say doesn't really matter to me. This isn't something to obsess over.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only if the answer is completely off the question. Not related and obscene...Yup, sure TD for me.

    I noticed that there are at least a couple following and giving me TDs. I find it hilarious! Out of at least 15 answers...I'm the only one that has TDs. Like...WOW! Talk about diligence.



    To PC : The last time I chatted with BL, she said that she will take a long break to recuperate. She could be in Macau or in Iloilo or could have been to both. I sure hope she's okay and feeling much better now.

  • PC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't let the Thumb's Down get you down. I don't, I actually ask for more.

    The majority of people here can tell if the answer given deserved the TD or not. More often than not if I see an unjustified TD I will try to counter it with a TU.

    I generally give a TD for an answer that is completely wrong or illogical. Rarely do I give a TD simply because I don't like the answerer.

    I do think that YAP goes through its' cycles i.e. TD's, reporting, inane questions, trolling etc.

    Source(s): Does anyone know what's happened to Barrio Lass. I haven't seen her post for some time.
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I only give a Thumbs Down when I see that the answer was made with the sole intention of annoying someone, or the community.

    Otherwise, even if I disagree with the answer, I let it go. I will not give it a thumbs up, but neither will I give it a thumbs down.

  • Very rarely do I give a thumbs down.

    And if I do, strictly rude answers only.

    I don't bother with answers that are off tangent. Some people are probably happy sharing whatever comes to mind. Not an issue with me.

    Peace everyone!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't. I don't give any thumbs down! In my mind I have disabled two buttons here - the "TD sign" and the "report abuse". I have conditioned myself that those do not work so I do not use them.

    For me it's enough that I answer as best I could, give Thumbs Up to answers that appeal to me, and star Questions I like (even if I can't answer)... and that's it. That's all I do here.

  • Anne C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If a person gets so upset in reading someone else's opinion.

    He/she should post his/her own answer in the same question.

    The most infallible way to pronounce something as ignoble and unpleasing, is not to call it as such - but to put something exquisitely beautiful directly beside it. Let the hideous proclaim itself.

    TDs are the ways of the weak

    ..and of the envious.

  • 1 decade ago

    When his/her answer is way too far from the question. I once saw this answer which is a lame link not connected to the question. So I gave him/her a TD.

  • Big P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ah it happen to me all the time.I assume the person who give thumbs down want to show that your not that sharp and accurate as you may think. I don't know. Maybe they just like to give away thumbs down.

  • 1 decade ago

    i only give thumbs down to the answers that are rude to the one who asked the question..

    i also give thumbs down to those who have/use bad words

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