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do you think people are becoming more open to lgbts because of the media?

do you think people are becoming more open to lgbts because of the media? more particularly tv reality shows but it can be music or whatever.

i know its nothing new but ive noticed that there are alot of more shows have lgbts in them. ive seen alot more transsexuals/transgendered people on tv shows as well. do you think that the more lgbt people in reality shows can open alot of close minded people? or do you think some shows put stereotypes in us even more and promote homophobia?

i personally think it helps us alot and that its really cool. i mean some shows like a shot at love, a double shot at love, gay straight or taken dont really help but i dont think alot of people take them seriously...well i hope they dont haha.

what do you think?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The media may help when it comes to allowing the lgbts to be more open themselves, but I don't think it is the media that is causing others outside of this group to be open to them.

    It's the fact that these days most lgbts are open themselves about who they are (most don't try to hide it). And so all us non-lgbts now interact, often on a daily basis, with people who are open about who they are. Aside from that aspect of who they are, we also see the other human qualities in them that we all share.

    And quite frankly, I find it hard to judge someone who I know would literally give their shirt off their back to help someone else, when the people who tell me they should be judged are nowhere near that same level of selflessness (and I'm sure there are many others just as great as they guy I'm specifically talking about).

    I choose to judge people based on how they present themselves to me, not based a stereotype I find either right or wrong. I think more and more people are simply choosing to do the same.

    So yeah, the media helps the lgbts become open, and possibly forces those who'd rather not think about it confront the fact that it's out there... but it's the lgbts themselves who cause others to be more open about them. It's easy to point a finger at an idea with no substance behind it, but not so easy when it's someone you know personally and cannot help but see as a great person.

  • 5 years ago

    My perfect live would involve traveling before I settle down. I would like to travel the world, getting insight into different cultures and ways of living. I want to live life each day not regretting doing something. My girlfriend and I have been together, on and off, for four years. While we're having a rough patch right now, I can honestly say that I'm in love with her. I hope to spend my life with her. I'm only 21 so in about 10 years or so I want to adopt a few children. As far as my dream job, it would involve helping people. I currently work with low-income children and hope to continue to do so. I love being able to help people and make a difference in their lives. In short: I want to live a happy and healthy life :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say yes but I am not proud of this Shot at Love/Double shot at love thing, I think it makes homosexuality look bad. Not because the hosts are bi but because of the way it's portrayed due to their behavior.

    I think Lavern from I Wanna Work for Diddy carried herself very well as a trans woman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    i definately think that.

    But i think its more really about letting the viewers have an open view of how NORMAL lgbt are really.

    It's normal for people to fear what they don't know, and there aren't TOO many lgbt out there. So really i think its more about people learning that the reality of it is: lbgt people of that orientation is simply a personal preferance, rather than...a "differant" species so what not. :)

    hope this helps

    Source(s): MY reality
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I more hope that it's because people in general are becoming more accepting of others. I'm straight, but I would have no problem if either/both of my sons said that they were gay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes. i agree. society is definitely more open to most sexuality preferences. some are stereotypical but at least more people are aware of lgbts and this will help hinder hate groups.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think for the most part those who are close minded will remain that way. It could be influencing a few though.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i think that is a big part of it. i also think a big part of it is people coming out as gay in everyday life. people know a lot more openly gay people now, their friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers,etc. it is becoming hard not to accept gays and lesbians when you know so many of them in everyday life. coming out is good for the gay community/gay rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    you know, other than here, i don't see anything gay related. on tv or outside, nothing. it's like where i live, gay ppl don't exist. the DO but like, hidden i guess.

    there isn't any hate here at all really, so i guess that's a good thing but its like nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I bet a decade from now, homophobia in the US will be just as taboo as racism!!!!

    But we mustn't give up now!

    Source(s): Lily, it's lesbians like you and me that are gonna change the world! But gotta come over, though! :D
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