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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceWords & Wordplay · 1 decade ago

What does the term "government cheese" mean?

I have seen it used in other answers - is it some sort of American expression? I am not familiar with the term. Please illuminate me?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think it's now used as a slang term for senseless government handouts, like the $300 'stimulus' checks, or for useless government surplus.

  • erdahl
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Government Cheese

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I actually worked in a dairy processing factory, We made Ice cream for Baskin Robins and Bluebunny, and we made cheese for Kraft, then for about a month we would make Cheese for the Government, that was part of the programs that help low income families. It was produced at a much higher standard than ordinary cheese, everything about the process was exact, It is actually extremely good, I do not know if they still do that. it was 20 years ago.

    Source(s): MM
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Jingles!

    We received government cheese. It was a way to buy up the excess product from dairy farmers, thus helping them while helping poor people at the same time.

    The other staples, or commodities, weren't nearly as good--canned meat that wasn't edible, powdered potatoes--we fed some of it to fatten our pig, which we then ate.

    The cheese was really good, and people who didn't qualify for it were both condescending toward those of us who got it and jealous that they didn't get it. Poor people can't win.

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  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What does the term "government cheese" mean?

    I have seen it used in other answers - is it some sort of American expression? I am not familiar with the term. Please illuminate me?

    Source(s): term quot government cheese quot mean:
  • 1 decade ago

    During the Reagan years, it was cheese that the government provided to low income citizens, generally welfare recipients. Those of us who were not Reagan fans saw it as pretty much the only thing the Reagan administration gave to the poor.

    Source(s): I'm old.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Great question and great answers. -- wow!

    All I could think of is that it goes with the "Government pork sausage" which makes a government "breakfast burritio": which I invented, I don't expect anyone to believe me. But I do have about 100 witnesses at the small church at Horse Shoe Bend Texas. -- I invented it for a sun rise service about 10 years before it was named that by commercial fast food restaurants. - I am 65 years old ...... so...... go figure.

  • Thats the best damn cheese ever.

    It's funny but here in the US you have to be poor to eat like a king!!

    But yes it is a government food subsidy handed out at food charities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Government cheese refers to a ration of cheese that was at one point provided by the government to low income families, or at least that's what I think it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The joys of homelessness/welfare.

    Government cheese, (that's when government still cared about its citizens) it came in 5lb blocks.

    Some people sold them to local bodegas and delis cheap.

    When the free cheese was happening, mainstream media reported it had previously been dumped in the ocean.When it stopped,non mainstream media reported it was back to business as usual, ocean dumping.

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