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Can ANYONE tell me what's wrong with me!!!?

Ok, to start off, I've been to about 3-5 different docs a couple years back but they didn't say much. My parents refuse to take me to the doctor again so I'm trying to resort to this site. I really hope someone can at least tell me something I can tell my parents to get me to go to the doc. I DO have health insurance, but it's limited or something so... I don't know much about that stuff... anyways, I'll start.

For the past... I don't know... 4 years maybe? I've been having these horrible symptoms. I'm tired all the time. I commonly get sore throughts and I'm very irritable.

I'm currently 15 years old and 125 lb. I can't remember how tall I am. somewhere around 5' 6" give or take a couple in.

I'm not sure if my problem in neurological or if it has to do with my thyroid, but that's what I've narrowed it down to.

I have these... "fits" where my face will go slightly numb on th left side as well as my entire left side suddenly weakens, then after about 30 min. I'll be perfectly normal. Usually I just have to calm down. The perifrial vision in my left eye is also slightly off. This actually get's so bad that I can't play to opening to Fur Elise because the left sounds slower than the right and I can't play that song at all anymore.

I feel tired all the time. Compared to my sibling I'm almost always the first one to go to sleep and I still feel irritable in the morning. I also have this insane bug problem. I mean, litterally. If there's a bug within a mile of my ankles it will find them. I litterally have so many scars on my ankles from bug bites that I can't wear certain clothing because they'll show. About a year ago my friend and I were really bored and decided to count them.

We gave up after 400. NOT exaggerating.

I have a really bad appetite problem. It's become so common about me eating habits that some of my "friends" tried to say I was anorexic. I can't eat more than 2 cups of food in one sitting. Any more and I feel super bloated. Actually, I usually don't even bother eating breakfast anymore, because I'll get a stomach ache trying to eat two granola bars and a glass of milk. I also can't eat certain types of meat (especially pork and dark chicken) as well as spicy things. I can't have any form of hot pepper and even my mother knows not to put pepper in the gumbo or else I won't eat it. She adds it to her own. Chili is bad too.

I also have severely dry skin and skipped heart beats at least 3 times a day.

Oh yeah, and I also get headaches where it is only on the left side.

Ok, that's all I can think of right now, but if I can remember other things I'll bring them up.

At least tell me something that will convince my parents that I need a doctor.


Oh yes, I forgot. I have actually passed out last year and my doctor said I was hypoglycemic, but I was curious and looked up the symptoms and I wasn't like that. I wasn't officially diagnosed for hypoglycemia, so I never really thought I am.

Update 2:

I'm a virgin... >.>

And I've never had any serious medical attention before. As for other medical history, I think I've only had the same doctor more that twice... um... once or twice?

I have asthma and am slightly ADD, but i don't take meds for either other than an inhaler.

I've been tested for diabetes and it was negative. I also don't have anemia or severe blood sugar problems.

Update 3:

I just experienced a new symptom today.

I was really upset about something at school and I was crying and about half-way through my fit I noticed something strange.

There were no tears coming from my left eye. I even got my friend to look and my eye didn't even look watery. I asked a couple friends about it and they said my eye was probably dried out, but I think it might be linked to this.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm borrowing my wife's Yahoo email account to answer your question. WebMD is completely hosed up at present, so I couldn't respond from there. Please take this note to your parents. You need to be seen by a doctor this week, and preferably as early as possible. Some symptoms you have described could be evidence for any of a number of neurological or circulatory problems. Some of those problems can be progressive or even FATAL if left untreated. They include:

    Seizure disorder

    Transient Ischemic Attack (light strokes - rare in people of your age but still possible)

    Benign or malignant brain tumor

    Arterio-veinous malformation (AVM)

    Distributed calcium deposits or lesions in the brain

    Thyroid tumor

    Hydrocephalus (elevated CNS fluid pressures)

    Micro-vascular compression of the vagus nerve in the area where it emerges from the brain stem.

    The list goes on. You will need an update on any MRI imagery that's been done in the past, to look for new features. The update should be done with 1-mm thin-slice techniques, both with and without contrast agent, and with post-procedure 3-D reconstruction. It's costly, but you and your doctor will NEED it to get a clear diagnosis. Other tests may also be needed, including angiogram and blood profiles. If your parents have to take out a second mortgage on their house, then it's time they talked with a bank. The risks to you are that serious.

    Feel free to run my last name in a google search. You'll find a lot of material that I've generated as a chronic pain patient advocate for over 15 years. I've corresponded with over 2,000 doctors, family members, or chronic face pain patients during that period. Likewise, you or your parents may visit my personal website at

    Get moving. It's a bunch better to be safe than sorry.

    Richard A. "Red" Lawhern, Ph.D.

    Master Information Miner

    Former Member of the Board - US Trigeminal Neuralgia Association

  • 1 decade ago

    A) IGNORE the guy who called you a fatty... I'm the same age and height as you and you way much less.(:

    B) You actually sound a lot like me... I'm not sure what you left out but here are some symptoms/issues I have.

    -I stated taking vitamins since I can't eat too much at a time either I wasn't getting enough vitamins and had a couple vitamin deficiencies. And if I don't take my vitamins for a few days my vision gets blurred. Oh and I scar easily because of one of my vitamin deficiencies.

    -Maybe strep throat? I'm a carrier so I get it a lot.

    -I also have an immune deficiency, so I'm ALWAYS sick with something.

    -I always have headaches that alternate sides. Especially when I'm stressed out, anxious, or really frustrated.

    -I have acid reflux too.

    As for the numbness in the face maybe it's from a medication? But if it isn't I would get that checked out ASAP.

    Maybe if you found a specialist they'd be able to help more so than a regular doctor? I hope you get better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whatever it is, it sounds serious. I don't mean to scare you but it does. It doesn't sound at all like a thyroid issue to me, more like a neurological issue. I think some of your symptoms may not have to do with each other. You HAVE to go see a specialist, not just a doctor. I would insist on seeing a neurologist first. Atleast he can elimnate the possibility of a brain tumor. Your heart skipping needs to be checked as well. Usually that is a benign condition but it can be something more serious. If your parents won't listen, get upset and insist until they take you. You don't want something really bad to happen to you because they don't want to be bothered again. Good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell them its serious and you're scared. When you have the numbness in your face, tell your parents immediately. I don't know what else you can do but you have to talk to a doctor about this. It's possible that it was caused by a certain bug bite. Good luck and get well soon

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  • 1 decade ago

    The numbing of the left side of your body etc sounds like something to do with your heart - i've heard that sort of thing happens with stroke. But stroke would be unusual for someone so young, and for you to be fine after half an hour.

    Also, are you sure the "bug bites" are really from bugs?

    by the way, i'm only 13 so i dont know anything about this kinda stuff. and if i WAS right then the doctors would already have figured this stuff out. so i dont even know what i'm doing posting here.


    i think i'll just stop talking now.

    Source(s): my brain
  • 1 decade ago

    Im so sorry to hear that your having so many symptoms. It sounds like to me that you may have a few different things going on with you. you need to see a different Dr. then maybe have them refer you out to different specialists. I wish I had answers for you, but unfortunately I don't. I hope you find some answers! Maybe anxiety, that's why you feel tie rd and that probably explains your irregular heartbeat. But the heartbeat can mean several things. . . so you may want to ask to get an EKG. done. If you are slightly ADD you probably should take medication for it. Trust me it can help you in many ways! It might help you sleep better and not be so irritable and stuff. Good luck to you! If you have any more questions let me know. . . . My son is 16 and has ADD and had a heart condition but had it takin care of and is now on meds for his ADD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I don't think that the buds have anything to do with it!! I don't know what to tell you have you had any MRI's? have you had a heart monitor placed for any amount of time? Are you on any different types of medication? if yes, were they all prescribed by the same doctor?

  • 5 years ago

    As far as I have been told they are not supposed to say how accurate the sex of the baby is as this can lead to a hospital or doctor being sued. No technician is supposed to say 100% that it's a boy or girl they are only supposed to say 50% chance as the umbilical cord or anything else may not be giving a clear picture on the sex of the baby. I didn't want to know the sex as I just wanted it to be healthy and happy whether it was a boy or girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you been tested/monitored for epilepsy? The facial seizures sound like they might be related to some form of epilepsy or another serious neurological problem. Here are some resources for Epilepsy:

    Have you tried insect repellent for the bug bites? It might give you some relief. You can find it at most grocery/drug stores. For bug bites, check out WebMD:

    As for your described lack of appetite, 2 cups of food in one sitting is not an abnormal amount to make you feel full. Most people eat more than their body needs in one meal. The human stomach is actually not very large, and doesn't require much more than the amount you describe (for one meal). If you are concerned about your lack of appetite, try eating a small amount of food several times a day. This will give your stomach a chance to digest the food, and will hopefully help reduce that bloated feeling after you eat.

    The distaste or discomfort you feel after eating spicy foods are also not abnormal- many people suffer from chronic heartburn and/or acid reflux. You can try over the counter treatments such as Prilosec, ranitidine, or TUMS for heartburn relief. Your doctor can also prescribe higher strength treatment, such as Zantac.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like a small tumor but in all reality nobody is going to be able to tell if you don't get a CAT scan or diagnosed!

    GO to the doctor as soon as you can if it something really serious then one thing could lead to another and things might get worse.

    DEMAND to your parents that you be taken to the hospital because it sounds EXTREMELY serious!

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