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Poll: Have you ever been to Texas?

If so, did you like it?

If not, would you want to?

46 Answers

  • Pat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes! I've been to Austin, Dallas and Houston. They were fun places

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm originally from the great state of Texas. Now a Cali girl at heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    Born and Raised in Texas!!!! Love it here in The Lone Star State.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    texas is my home state. i grew up in san antonio, lived in dallas for years and have also lived in plano for several years.

    i love texas, it is a beautiful state and friendly people. if you ever get a chance to see the sights of san antonio, you will fall in love! make sure you tour the missions of san antonio, when you walk around the alamo you feel the awesomeness of the events that took place there. so many people leave the alamo feeling different than when they went in, many have had tears in their eyes. listen to the tour guides but, make sure you walk around on your own to truly enjoy it.

    go hiking in the west texas hill country, surf fishing along the coast. we have it all !

    man, dont i sound like a travel brochure?

    who in their right mind would NOT want to go to texas??

    if you've been you understand, if not than what are you waiting for?

    Source(s): if you really want to know about texas there are two web sites i recommend
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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we have family in Texas. Love it. We've been there to visit and are considering moving there within the next 2 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    I lived in Dallas for about a year and a half. I loved the people.. very friendly but all my friends and family are back in the Northeast so I was happy to come back here and I just couldn't stand the heat either... I'm not used to it!! I loved a lot of things about being down there though if I didn't have family back here.

  • Yep, I like it alot, I think about moving there someday. I like hot weather except when I feel like I dieing, lol! I live in Mexico and Minnesota, but Minnesota wins, It's so beautiful, just about everywhere. If I do go to Texas I'll miss the snow, or vacation there :)

    In Mexico you smell sewage almost everywhere,eeww, and the water ran out today, now I have to wait on my man :'(

  • 1 decade ago

    I went to college for 2 yrs in Abilene, I lived for 5 yrs in Houston & I have family in the DFW area right now.

    I LOVE Texas! The people are great & the state itself is beautiful! ♥

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've only been to the DFW airport for a few hours on my way to Tucson from NYC (and back) was OK.

    I'd like to actually visit Texas some time...seems to be nice.

  • 1 decade ago

    No but I have driven through Texas. And yes I would love to!

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Texas. And I love it.

    Source(s): Homegrown Texan and proud of it.
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