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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

how many times did you take your drivers ed written test?

and how old are u

im 16

took it twice at 15 got a 76 and 74

im 16 now took it one week ago and got a 74 and im taking it again in 2 weeks


well i am getting an A+ in the class adn got A's on all my quizzes

dnt ask y i cant pass that stupid test

Update 2:

my grandmas friends son [hes like 30] took it 23 times O_o

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Me. . . once at 15 1/2. I have no idea what I got because it was way too long ago and nobody cares anymore.

    Some friends. . . 2-3 times. They felt silly at the time, but they've been driving just fine for years now.

    Honestly, it's just one of those things. Some people have an easy time with it, and others don't. However, it has pretty much no bearing on anything once you pass -- all that matters is that you passed, and the number of times it took for you to pass is completely unrelated to how well you actually do behind the wheel.

    You'll be laughing about this by the time you're 20, so just study and see what happens the next time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was 15, just shy of 16. I took it with a bunch of screaming kids running around the department. I couldn't leave the testing area to tell the desk clerk I can not think or that I am irritated kids are bumping into me (standing facing a wall taking it).

    I missed 8 and was mad.

    I was 16 when I took the second one. I missed 4, and the lady behind the desk grading was so kind.

    She asked me a question and I told her the answer. She smiled and said I got it wrong originally, but since I got it right that time, she will let me have it right.

    So I only missed 3. So I passed.

    If I would of failed the 2nd, I would had to wait another 2 weeks to re take the 3rd. If didn't pass the 3rd, would had to wait 6 months before can take the 4th.

    So I really tried to think and re read the questions and double check.

    The tests can be very tricky!

    I was 16 and 2 months later, I took my driving test and passed it on the first drive. (I drive a big truck, so they found that to be a big plus).

    Source(s): Proud wife of an US Marine
  • 1 decade ago

    i havent taken it yet. i cant until I am 16 (a month and 2 days left)

    in CT it says that you must take the written permit test at 16 then the driving test atleast 6 months after you got your long as you filled out all the other requirements.

    CT has the hardest teen driving requirements because of teen accidents that were constantly reported more than usual because there was no other news.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm 21 and I took it when I was 15 1/2. It only took it once. Pretty easy stuff.

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  • I'm 17 and i took it only once, and i got a 96 on it. But i studied really hard for it, and tests have always come easily to me, so yea. Hand in there and u'll get it, :D.

  • mia
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I took mine once but I was 21 when I took my drivers test. I was a late bloomer. You'll get it. Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was 16 at the time too when i got my drivers ed

  • 1 decade ago

    i took mine 3 months ago and took it once and passed with a 98.

  • Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    im 17. took mine once and got a 90

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I only took it once and i passed it just barely though.

    I'm 20.

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