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Do you have ways to stop racism?

The last decade has shown an incredible progression but not enough. The election won't be enough. But, some of the die hards racists will be well, dying off soon. The ones left will be their children who were raised to be the same way. I don't count white supremists groups because they are mentally ill losers. I mean us, every day people.

Do you think this would work? I think it was Annie Lebowitz who said whites should not try to put themselves in the shoe of black people because it just won't work. It won't be understood. And vice versus.

Instead, whites should look at how it feels to be white. That's what they know. I am not white or black but since I am fair I can "pass". Right away a woman at a deli counter said Who is next but looked at me. I turned to the black woman and said no, she was. It was like she wasn't there to that clerk. But I was.

But I really think we are keeping ourselves separate. Try walking into a Southern Bapist Church one Sunday. A lot of stares at first but I was welcomed. I really liked the hats and the singing.

Then the food. I love greens, mac and cheese, jalopena corn bread, BBQ. etc. Why does that have to be served only in black community restaurants. In Germany, a black woman opened Mama West and there were lines out the door. Germans had never tasted that kind of cooking.

Why can't we just share the good things about our cultures, let go of the bad things, help each other more, etc But how? How do you do this? Ideas?


It is not racism to tell the truth or to point out our differences. People need to understand what racim is! I can say these same things to my friends who are black but they don't know the answer either.

Update 2:

I have tried in my sphere. Which is why I go into typically black facilities. It's important for whites or passers like me, to show that we aren't bad either. We think they should somehow do it on their own.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you said, there will always be hate groups. I can think of two ways to stop racism but then people would find another reason. this I believe is a human trait. Look at the Israeli/Palestine problem. that is religion because they are the same people. The Catholic and Protestant used to war, again religion.

    My ideas wouldn't be a 100% heal but it would eliminate some of it.

    We would have to ban all relationships involving same race births, thereby creating only mixed race people or blind all people so they couldn't see the color of a persons skin. Neither are plausible. One could try education or putting the races together in a civic situation, but in the near 50 years of segregated schools that hasn't worked either. The other way is just as difficult and that is to create two nations and let the people decide which one they want, but once you go, you stay.

    This wouldn't work either, so all we can do is to ignore the idiots who are racist and try to live our lives in honor and love for what we have and who we are, Human Beings!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is a song written some years ago with a line in it which goes something like "What we need is a great big melting pot" it was referring to racism and saying if only we could put everyone in this pot and make them all come out the same racism would end, It's not going to happen, but if everyone could only see that we are all the same under the skin that would be great. I have experienced racism and I am white it makes no difference what colour you are someone somewhere will have a go because you are different from them it isn't only white people who are against other colours the other colours also against whites and unfortunately I don't know how to stop it Back to your idea do you really think rewarding the black community will make the white community like them more the answer to that is a definite NO

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism can happen everywhere and will. And actually, to me, now that there is a black person as a president, it shows how racism should never be an excuse anymore.

    There will ALWAYS be a portion of people who remain racist. Things are nothing like they were 60 years ago. Even 30 years ago. I think if Martin L. King came back today and saw what he would see, he would have a freakin heart attack, because as far as his "dream" goes, it came. In fact it's gone beyond "equality". Because of this, modern day racism is caused by this favoritism.

    All in all, Bibs answered this best. Duval also brought out a good point of how many people are most comfortable with their own race. Does that make you racists? If you're white yes, but otherwise no.

    I think we need to realize what racism really is and that it has nothing to do with JUST white people.

  • 7 years ago

    1st way- Start from your self

    Think about that are you a racist person. If yes, throw all the negativity from your mind of being superior to other and thoughts about different people’s race.

    2nd way- learn the fact about to end racism and stop other to be a racist

    We just need to get over the fact that we are of different races that includes colors, religions, sexes and many more. It's not that big deal of we are all the same from inside. See every person from one perspective. And if you see a person being racist, stop that person and tell about the fact to end racism to that person. If we just try to get on with everyone, the world will become a better place to live.

    3rd way- spread knowledge about racism

    Racism is an infection that spreads from people to people. To kill that infection, we need an antidote. And that antidote is letting every people in the society about causes of racism. Besides knowledge spread faster than any other thing. If no one will be a racist, than the word ‘racism’ would never exist.

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  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Do you have ways to stop racism?

    The last decade has shown an incredible progression but not enough. The election won't be enough. But, some of the die hards racists will be well, dying off soon. The ones left will be their children who were raised to be the same way. I don't count white supremists groups because they are...

    Source(s): ways stop racism:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I notice that where there is not apparent racism that different races still are more comfortable with their own race. That is because of some of the reasons you state. A lot of whites say they have black friends, but usually they are of the same educational and ecconomical level. I have a black friend that can do nothing for me, but I help him in any way I can because he is a wonderful person. It's not about color to me, but what kind of person they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is not much one can do to stop racism, but here are some suggestions:

    1. Don't associate with people who are racist.

    2. Don't patronize businesses whose owners or staff are racist.

    3. Basically, wherever you find racism, don't support it.

    This will at least show some people that it is disadvantageous to be racist.

  • 6 years ago

    Take out a pen and paper and make 8 columns--black man and woman, white man and woman, latino man and woman, and asian man and woman. do a free association under each heading and don't censor yourself when you write it. put down whatever comes to mind, this is how a person can do an effective "soul search" for the racism we all as americans have somewhere in our consciouses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism as well as other aggressions and hostilities towards groups of people or other phenomenons are probably a result of ignorance in combination with fear of what we don't know or don't want to know. In your immediate sphere you can try to stop it by setting a good example yourself.

  • Bibs
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It has to begin with me. It is about love of your neighbor. Simple to express but difficult to do. We as individuals must set an example, this is the greatest of all teachers. We can only have the strength to persevere in this through prayer.

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