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Do you hope Obama succeeds?

If you don't support him, would you rather see our nation fall into a depression just so you can gloat?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look if Obama succeeds our nation will go into a depression. If he goes through with is policies our country will no longer be free and the constitution will be rewritten and or freedoms will be taken away. So I hope he fails because if he fails he will not bankrupt the coal industry like he promised on the campaign trail and electricity will not go through the roof like he promised. Did you not listen to the man? He promised that under his administration he would penalize oil companies and gas would skyrocket like never before and he promised to do no drilling for oil here and promised to force us to use alternatives like wind and solar which is not capable of producing the energy we must have.

    Did you not hear him when he said the constitution which he just pledged to uphold was full of negative liberties and obselete and he wants to rewrite a new bill of rights giving the government absolute power? Yes, I want him to fail. I want him to fail at doing away with out constitution and our bill of rights. Did you not hear him when he said the constitution gives the people power and it is the government that should have the power? Yes, I want him to fail at taking our power away from us and giving politicians all the power. Did you not hear him when he said that only the government can fix the problem when it is the government that caused the problem? He disagrees with our founding fathers when they said that government is evil and must be limited and that is why we have had a government of the people, by the people and for the people for over 200 years. He believes government should rule us instead of us ruling government.

    Obama supporters heard nothing but hope and change and failed to actually listen to his promises.

  • 5 years ago

    I have heard very little from conservatives that President Elect Obama will fail so don't know where you get that idea; I don't because I am an American first and want to country to succeed. I have seen a lot of questions like this lately and have seen the same responses from conservatives and Republicans to it and then read remarks saying the exact opposite is true from liberals. The problem I think is that too many of the liberals are taking their actions while President Bush was in office and thinking that most Republicans and conservatives are the same way. Fortunately for the country the great majority of Republicans and conservative independents (I am a conservative but not a member of any political party) appear to be much more patriotic and care for the country more then they do about ideology and party politics. If you wish to dispute that the liberals/Democrats acted that way then just look back and see the questions, comments, statements and answers given in this forum over the last couple of years. I do not want some of President Elect Obama's policies to be put in place and have grave reservations about what he is actually a believer in-his campaign and his history are poles apart in many areas so it will be interesting to see what he will actually do but I hope that the country grows and gets better under his time in office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suport the President ' but ' I do not support his mission .

    I hope the stock market is back up to record highs , unemployment is at record lows and all people can get their financial whose worked out and can have a bright future to look forward to.

    because of BO or despite of BO

    America's despair is nothing to gloat over

    have a nice day comrade

  • Nobama
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a fan, in fact i dislike him, but the bottom line is that our country needs to get back on track. I hope he at least succeeds at turning the financial crisis around. I don't see that happening if he starts spending all the money he plans to. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope he forgets about all his ridiculous promises, cuts off 350 billion dollar welfare program for wall street banks, eliminates the deficit, and starts paying down the national debt. I hope he cuts taxes and gets the economy moving.

    In short I hope he succeeds but in order to do so he will have to realize he is wrong on just about everything!

  • 1 decade ago

    if obama succeeds then that means his socialist plans will come to fruition and that spells disaster for the US. has everyone forgotten that this empty suit wants a cap on success in this country? have they forgotten that he want to talk with sworn enemies of the west instead of fighting them? have they forgotten that he has been close with racists, domestic terrorists, and criminals? i don't think that his supporters have forgotten. i think they don't care. he promises to punish the hardworking who have more so those who don't have as much will feel better. he is a perpetrator of wealth envy and race politics.

    i hope he fails in everyone of the endeavors he said he'd pursue. however if he really wants to fight terrorism, political correctness and identity politics than i wish him well. if he really thinks that hard work and achievement are to be admired and not restricted than again, i wish him well. his track record though indicates he feels otherwise.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wake up this is a controlled conspiracy depression recession era that caused every single world war and backed finacially both sides of every war caused the great depression in the 20s the us governent including Obama is bought and paid for by the bankers who own the non government agency we call THE FEDERAL RESERVE. go to my friend

    Source(s): truth
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope he doesn't succeed in getting his liberal agenda into law.Because no matter how much he smooth talks people, the laws of prosperity do not favor liberalism.And feeling good will not fix our problems.I do not hate Obama, but I sure dislike the content of his character, which is socialism.

  • Ann F
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    tc I You are totally off the topic. Do you think if you say he said something is true, it is true?

    The part about changing the Constitution and Bill of Rights is pure fantasy. You didn't hear that except in your mind. Maybe some serious psychiatric counseling would help you. You are living in a dream world. Reread his speech. Then, prove your rants. You can't

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There will be a serious deflation whether or not anyone supports him. US banks are, for all practical purpose's, insolvent. They need to be liquidated and new ones started

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