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Is this lucid dreaming or remote sending? I'd like to hear from real people who have personal experience.?

For the past month most of the discussions I have read were about ghosts or PSI/ESP/etc. and what to do with it or did one have it or did it really exist... I would truly like to hear from others about things we have experienced that we "know" are real. Let's up the level and speak on things we know about as more than entry level ideas. I don't doubt PSI abilities. I have them. I know that remote viewing works, I have trained in it. I dream several types of dreams and I walk in the "knowing" when I dream sometimes. Anyone been there? Let the ones who feel this is crazy or merely hallucinating not answer. Hey all of you real PSI people lets chat! I will bring the tea [lemon grass is my favorite] and furnish the cookies. I don't do drugs. Life is a "high" in itself. I precog [but little control over it], I "know" when something is right, I sense when people close to me are dying [but unfortunately not when they are hurt], I am empathetic so my professional work with people is assisted. I am well rooted in this reality and have walked in the "dreaming" of peoples lives that I have only touched there. Is there anyone else who would enjoy talking about the subjects we have been dancing around but not speaking of? Let's put some real questions up there and not silly...oooha things that go bump in the night are going to get me. [They will if you don't educate your self.] Let's bump it up a few levels and discuss for real.

please, no offence meant

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why ask about these things if you're certain of what they are? Abject certainty of this sort can be really closed minded. I hope you learn to open your mind to other explanations.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a few experience, like sometimes i can sense if someone is ill or is going to pass...I have weird lucid dreams, sometimes follow by a panic attack-like feeling when i a wake...Sometimes i know that i am in a dream and the dreams have may have a message for me...a word or a sentence or a telepathic feeling of somesort...oMg this is too weird...Like when my father pass, I dreamt about him for almost a year, and in each dream he was telling me things telepathically....

  • 1 decade ago

    Such things can be real. I have premonitions that come randomly and not in my sleep. I have foreseen my father's car crush and experienced a flashback when a got my hands on my grandfather's pen, who I haven't ever got to know. And all these are strange, seeing things that others can't but these things are definitely real. Lately I am working on some spells that de seem to work too. What I have understood so far is that paranormal things show to people who can mentally embrace them.

  • j153e
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One interesting aspect of dreaming is becoming aware of more than one's "cocoon" of homeostatic belief-maintenance. E.g., if in a dream only one detail is awry, e.g. a favorite painting is upside down, everything else is "normal/real," that is a good sign one's awareness is being telepathically offered a step beyond "cocooning," aka the more basic levels of dream processes

    Keeping somewhat to the skeptical nature of this forum, this lucidity/telepathy is a level open to 'most everyone's experience. If one is able to move to lucidity and/or even telepathic interchange, this is a major step of self-proving, self-realization, and self-energization..

    A further step: understanding in such lucidity/telepathy what level one is dealing with. This is more problematic, yet the question compels the answer, per sowing and reaping of one's soulfield energy. One may then begin to develop inner plane maps of energy levels, which are distinct and intersubjective, and ultimately of God, albeit in lower levels distorted and even dangerously misleading. In this, one does well to follow good sources (which will not be listed, as have previously given several).

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  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know why these things happen to certain people, what the scientific reason is, but sometimes when some body i know is in trouble or someone close to them is sick, i have dreams about them and in the dream they appear to be very upset and uncomfortable, and after that dream every where i go i think i see them, and i'm constantly thinking of them, until i contact them, for example i had a dream about a friend of mine and for 2 months ever where i went i thought that i would see her there, and later on my sister told me that her father was really sick and they might have to cut off his leg, one other time i had a dream of a guy that went to college with me and in the dream he wasn't being the funny sweet guy he is, and every time i would ask him why he was so different and i would ask him to tell me what was wrong with him my fiance would come and pull me away and for the next week i was constantly thinking about the dream i had, when finally i saw him it turned out that he was failing in school and he had spent all his savings, and his girlfriend had dumped him,and everything was going wrong with him...

    why do these things happen?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! Just as thought the first answerer denies before hand needing proof. Yet so many of us know that these things are as real as real is. Since most people's eyes are not yet open they pretend it's dream or pretend ...I do know what you know. Many times I've said : anybody can see with their own eyes the blue silver cord in a cemetery, it's mentioned in the bible! I had N.D.E. sleep paralysis, I know when my sibling will die, my father came back after his death, I've seen the white light at death... so Much that so many deny. But hey can you make someone believe if he don't want. Only time tells them or when stuff happens to them.


  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'd love for everyone one here to take these things seriously...but I think you have to go to a group or forum etc. for that to happen. There are too many skeptics and jokesters and beginners on here to learn a whole lot and be deeply serious about it. The paranormal is one of the most fascinating things there is.... and it's a shame to have it taken so lightly and ridiculed and laughed at and made fun of and denied. Hope you find a site where you can share your knowledge of it and learn even more about it. Good Luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seem to be making a lot of claims there, what proof do you have that any of them are true?

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