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David Archuleta TOUR DATES?

From FOD:

02/24 - Virginia Beach, VA - Sandler PAC (seated)

02/25 - Richmond, VA - The National (GA)

02/26 - Sayreville, NJ - Starland Ballroom (GA)

02/27 - OFF

02/28 - Lancaster, PA - The Chameleon (GA)

03/01- Allentown, PA - Crocodile Rock (GA)

03/02 - Northampton, MA - Pearl Street (GA)

03/03 - Clarence (Williamsville/Buffalo), NY - Infinity (GA)

03/04 - OFF

03/05 - Columbus, OH - Newport (GA)

03/06 - Madison, WI - Barrymore Theater (seated)

03/07 - Duluth, MN - DECC (GA)

03/08 - Chicago, IL - House of Blues (GA)

03/09 - OFF

03/10 - Oklahoma City, OK - Diamond Ballroom (GA)

03/11- Beaumont, TX - Scout Bar (GA)

03/12 - San Antonio, TX - Scout Bar (GA)

03/13 - OFF

03/14 - Albuquerque, NM - Sunshine Theatre (GA)

03/15 - OFF

03/16 - Tempe, AZ - The Marquee (GA)

03/17 - Pomona, CA - Glasshouse (GA)

03/18 - Reno, NV - Grand Sierra Theatre (GA)

03/19 - OFF

03/20 - Idaho Falls, ID - Civic Auditorium (GA)

03/21 - Boise, ID - Knitting Factory (GA)

03/22 - OFF

MAJOR depression! D:

None of these are anywhere near me D:

I'd have to fly, and no WAY I'll be able to do that!

Boo! >:(

You guys going?


*Star* s

Update 2:

I live in TORONTO.


Update 3:

Am I blind?

Where's the Buffalo one?

I could TOTALLY do that,

4-5 hour drive maybe?

Update 4:

oh, nvm i found it!

deffs gunna look into it :D:D:D

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I might go..

    But i either have to drive 4-6 hours or fly to get there.


  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry there isn't one near you. There also aren't any in David's home state Utah or Florida where he was born and has relatives.

    The New York one is up near Buffalo - are you sure you can't get to that one? Maybe you could find someone in Toronto that is driving to that one.

  • Awww man! He's not going to UTAH??? But that's his home town! I live in Utah. I guess I could drive to Idaho Falls, but that's like three hours away! I'm sad. I wish he could have a concert in Utah! He would be sold out cuz everyone loves David in Utah!

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG im going! im so excited i love david sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i already got my tickets. im going to the one in sayreville nj, even though i live in ny, i will just take a two hour car ride, and i have to go early so i can get front row cause its GA (general admission)

    i hope u get to go! if u do, have fun!!!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't go either... I live near Albany, NY, and he's not going near there. I can't go all the way to Buffalo, so I'll have to miss out on it...

    I hope you find a way to go! I know that you are a huge fan, and you definitely deserve to go to his concert! Good luck. =]

  • 1 decade ago

    I might go to the Chicago one! But because it's on a Sunday, I'm not sure my parents will let me go (b/c of school the next day...).

    I really hope I can go though!

    Awww, I'm sorry. I hope you find a way to go.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't worry, i'm with you...

    i live beside Toronto & not any of those are near my place either ):

    are those tour dates official already, though?


    gawd, my parents would NEVER let me fly to go to any of those venues... but if it's in the Philippines, heck, my parents would let me :D

  • 1 decade ago

    ooohhh... im sorry! gosh i am a HUGE fan of david 2!!!!♥ lol :-)

    ummm.... im pretty sure i could go to the chicago 1! lol cuz i live in MO so it's not that long of a drive at all :-)

    lol srry u can't go!....... :-)


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anoyone see Denver??? Awhh :( i really want him to come to colorado so i can see him!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    does anybody know when and where they go on sale at?

    i checked ticketmaster, they had the dates up on sale, but arizona wasn't on there...

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