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good directions asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

What kind of fish should I purchase for a 10 gallon fresh water tank for my teenage daughter?

She recently lost her goldfish and I want to set her tank up with several different kinds of fish. Which fish are best in small tanks and with other kinds?

12 Answers

  • Josh
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, do you have a heater? If so here are some options:

    If she would like to see babies then platies and guppies. Guppies breed rapidly though!

    Corys Are a very nice bottom feeder.

    Neon tetras look nice.

    Bettas work too depending on what fish you have.

    Harlequin rasboras are nice too.

    Stay away from tiger barbs, loaches, plecos, danios and gouramis. Barbs and danios you shouldn't get, because they nip. Some danios are better than others. I have danios with my betta and they are fine, but the next person's danios might have killed a betta. The other ones get too big.

    Source(s): knowledge
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i think of you p.c. it to run for no less than each and every week, and doubtless 2. in case you p.c. to place fish in faster, you'll be able to desire to attempt including some water from an present tank, as long as there are no longer diseased fish interior the tank. there has been point out made which you will no longer be able to maintain sharks in a small tank. Do you advise sharks like the purple-tailed Shark, it particularly is unquestionably a sort of backside feeder, or do you advise a real shark? attempt protecting real tropicals in a small tank. they're relaxing to maintain and the suitable length. you could shop a Ghost Fish, Eels, Flounder, or Knife fish in case you p.c. something greater unique. Silver greenback fish are additionally relaxing to maintain and are seen community fish. The others won't be suited for the community tank, different than the small Flounder, which isn't too noticable interior the tank. Angel Fish are additionally relaxing and thrilling fish to maintain.

  • 1 decade ago

    One male betta or a group of very small shoaling fish or maybe three male guppies. Plant the heck out of the tank to create a real showpiece. Ten gallons isn't enough room for a lot of fish. "Several" is too many.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have some tiger barbs and angelfish. I really like them and definitely suggest the tiger barbs and if the angelfish are medium size I'd get them too. Hope that helps. Oh and I would not get goldfish again because they tend to try to eat all the food in the tank, get fat, and then die.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not surprised the goldfish died. common goldfish need 50 gallons minimum

    In a 10 gallon coldwater tank you could have a few white cloud mountain minnows (up to 8 but no less than 6)

    If you get an aquarium heater you could have any of these options


    1 betta (they dont normally attack other fish)

    3 corydoras catfish

    1 apple snail


    1 betta

    6 glolight/neon/(other small non nippy) tetras


    6 glolight/neon/(other small non nippy) tetras

    3 corydoras


    1-2 male guppies

    1 male swordtail

    1 male molly

    1 male platy


    6 ember tetras

    3 guppies


    8 various fancy male guppies


    a 10 gallon is too small for energetic danios


    most algae eaters such as plecos grow way to big for a 10 gallon

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you get a heater you can get some tropical fish. Get some friendly tetra's like neons. if you get a school of neons and then a few other small fish that would look really cool

  • 1 decade ago

    Only one beta if you get one. The males are territorial and aggressive with other fish of their species. Try a couple of zebra fish (cool stripes), and a plecostamus (I probably spelled that wrong-a sucker fish that will eat algae off the side of the tank). You will need a heater, though-they are tropical.

  • 1 decade ago

    Moors are funny-looking, but very cute and friendly. There's also different types of goldfish, but either way you should try to get bottom-feeders (fish or snails) so that the tank stays clean even with a filter.

  • 1 decade ago

    I prefer male guppies they have nice fan tails and are easy to up keep perfect for a busy teen

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cold water or tropical ??

    Cold water :

    5 cold water zebra danio, 5 cold water pearl danio < energetic and very fun to watch

    Tropical :

    1 male Betta, 6 cardinal tetra and maybe a algae eater exellent mix of fish especially the guppy with the long flowing tail.


    it is cruel to keep betta in a cold water fish tank. Althought they will live, it isnt healthyand they wont thrive, Beta come from warm swamps near thailand so they arent used to the cold ! trust me :)

    Source(s): experience of fish keeping 45 years +
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