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Do you agree with the Military Judge who Denied Obama's Request to Suspend Hearings at Guantanamo?

I say continue the prosecution. The military Commissions Act was passed by congress to satisfy the Supreme court And I don't think an Executive order can overturn a law.

What now Mr President? Your military judges say you are wrong.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES! I LOVE IT!!!!

    I wonder if Obama lovers will try to see if this Judge is (R) or (D) and if they will dig into him as they did w/ that plumber guy (I know his name, I'm just sick of him too).

  • bokor
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    whilst will Repugnicans frickin' study to examine? The President asked in basic terms for a postpone, no longer a dropping of the guy's indictment. all people concern to our regulations is entitled to the comparable scientific care: harmless till shown to blame. in case you have been charged and ought to no longer arise with the money for a criminal expert, the courtroom could might desire to grant one for you. And it would not unavoidably be an ACLU criminal expert. If the guy's to blame, he will pay - yet no longer earlier then!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Adam, you just made the Bush administration's point. These men are NOT members of the military, therefore they don't get POW status, ang the Geneva Conventions do not apply to them. If you want the Geneva Conventions to apply, then the prisoners violated them. YOu can't have it both ways. Congress, Democrats included, authorized the military tribunals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I agree with the Judge 100 % .The Guys are just as guilty or innocent as they were before Obama became president. Obama is really screwing up here big time. He really letting his ignorance show.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Damn right I agree with the Judges

    Why would you stop the trial for the terrorists who attacked the USS Cole??

    Obama might as well wave a white flag and bend over for the enemy, he has NO CLUE

    but its not like we did not know he is useless, it's just a shame he is proving it so QUICKLY

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's attempt to circumvent judicial law is his way of releasing the prisoners. If their cases are suspended and recharged later in Federal court the defendants may be subject to "double jeopardy" and by law must be released.

    The signs of revolution/civil war are all around. Releasing these murderers may be the spark that ignites it.

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Damn Right I agree with the judge! What is this idiot thinking? People need to shake themselves out of this stupor and look at what these fools are up to. I can't believe people aren't raising hell about this. Thanks for the link. I'm sending this article to everyone I know and I'm writing to the white house [probably a waste of time] this is pathetic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with him, because those people being held as prisoners are a danger to us, i am not sure what the point of closing the camp is, i mean where you gonna put them?lol

    Source(s): ME
  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, two defeats in one day - first 11 of his fellow Democrats actually have the nerve to oppose his Economic Spendathon bill; and now this?

    One wonders if the ice may be cracking on top of the water he's been walking on.

  • 1 decade ago

    I certainly do even though he is the commander in chief , he still is not dictator of the world and he needs to let the military do its job here and abroad . We got many people killed and lost in Viet Nam because of governmental interference . We don't need to lose any more of our young men and women

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely I agree with the judge, I'm sick of spineless obambi cowtowing to the extreme left that think America is evil

    The case in question is to finally punish the man responsible for the USS Cole

    No way should he be allowed to get off.

    I thought Obama was some sort of scholar, shouldn't he have known his order went against the rule of law? or do rules not apply to our new Dear Leader?

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