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Can guys not go without sex? How often do guys masturbate?

I have recently started to hear more things about the mystery of guys. I just wanted to hear some more opinions. I have heard that it is impossible for guys to go without sex for any period of time. Biology, hormones, I don't know. But that is why guys masturbate regularly? So enlighten me. Even when dating, are you all just waiting for the girl to give it up? Do you all go bar hopping just to get laid?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, sexuality is a natural part of all humans (thank evolution for that). Us, men, just have it worse than women, because the urge to have sex is generally greater. We produce millions of sperms every day, and we have to dispose of them somehow. Also, some men may have smaller urge to have sex, it is linked to hormone production. Some (have urge to) masturbate several times every day, some never.

    I personally do it almost every day (sometimes twice). I just get "hungry for sex" and suddenly every woman around seems more sexy, I want to touch... It is like when you are hungry, every food is suddenly delicious. But it works both ways, when it is "over", I have no desire to have sex/masturbate after that. Even porn suddenly seems disgusting.

    I can go without release for a long time (several days and longer), but then I get somehow nervous around women and I try to find some quiet place where I am alone... When I finally have an orgasm after a long time, I feel like I reached heaven or something.

    There are also nocturnal emissions (ejaculation during sleep, usually combined with an erotic dream). I've never experienced one (except the dream part), because I'm masturbating regularly, but if someone doesn't masturbate, or hasn't in a very long time, they are likely to happen.

    Hmm... suddenly, I feel exposed. I hope I helped!

  • 5 years ago

    I'm 48 years old, been married twice, currently reconnected with the love of my teenaged life... and we have a very good sex life... but that doesn't change how much I like masturbating. I've masturbated at least once a day for more than 35 years, and it has nothing to do with whether or not I have satisfying sex with the woman in my life. Relax about your guy's self-pleasuring... if you're ok with the idea, you could get him to show you how he likes to do it and even show *him* your favourite kinds of touch.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very personal question to ask! But yeah, guys can last awhile. Why do you think teenagers can wait so long? Yeah, it has to do with hormones at certain ages, but it also has to do with the actual age.

    As for masturbation... that's a hard question to answer. Sometimes it matters for if they are "in the mood". If a guy is thinking about a really hot girl he likes, he may masturbate to the thought of her once or twice in a day. It all depends on what they are thinking. As for me... I'm picky. I can't just think of the sexiest girl I know or something I saw that day... I actually have to like the girl personally if I want some real satisfaction. Porn is another story... that's for the times when guys have nothing better to do.

    Source(s): Male Minds Think Alike
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a guy but as a mature woman I know that guys can and do go without sex or self pleasure. They will not is true that if they are constantly teased and if it builds up and they don't do something then yes they can have a health issue. But they masturbate because it feels's that simple. Guys who expect a girl to help with that good feeling need to be it for love/marriage. They can continue to self-pleasure until then...this shows respect for the females. Not all guys go bar hopping for sex...but yes, many do. They are easy to pick out...they are the insecure ones who have no life..and are just pigs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If the guy is in the relationship, you can generally assume that he is in it for more than just sex( though he would not at all mind it). However, bar hopping is generally just for sex because a vaginal orgasm feels way better than masturbation

  • 1 decade ago

    they can go without having sex for a long time

    I mean its all bout who the guy is and what he wants

    if yu meet a guy at a bar, probably wants to get laid more then a guy

    who works at a library

    look in the right places.

    but after a while of not having sex it causes stress and boners,

    so masturbation is used to relises these.

    its totally normal

  • 1 decade ago

    most guys can go without sex without a partener but i dont know many who can go great lengths of time with out masterbateing. The bigest thing with men and woman is the longer you go with out the easyer it is and on the flip side is the more you are getting the more the desire is to have more

  • 1 decade ago

    Some guys jack everyday probably. If you are bored, might jack even. Sometimes might be tired after work and not feel like it and go to bed. If you got a girlfriend might not do it at all.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ha!! Guys go without it all the time. That's why they're always on yahoo making rude comments & trying to IM & email every girl that makes a comment.

    It's also why porn is a multi-billion $ per year business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, we can go without sex and some men never masturbate in their entire lives.

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