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How can you be a Pacifist and a Palestinian supporter at the same time?

If you support Palestine in their war against Israel, the objective of which according to Hamas, is the "utter destruction of the State of Israel and the Jewish race", how can you claim to be a Pacifist at the same time? It's a bit like a vegetarian working as a butcher.

I should add that Adolf Hitler was both a Vegetarian and an Environmentalist, and maybe that is a pointer to the answer.


Paki24 - you are ignoring the fact that Hamas are firing rockets from civilian centres, often Schools, into Israeli population centres. This is intolerable for any elected government whose first duty is the protection of innocent civilians from murder. Hamas = Murder.

The Palestinian civilian deaths are mainly due to Hamas use of civilians as "Human Shields".

Update 2:

Debi - You say I can write (Thanks) but cannot think (Think your way I think you mean). Are you credible? Do you know any vegetarians working as butchers, or greenies working in coal mines? Honestly, I want to know...

Update 3:

otto2294 - Do some research. Hitler was a left winger National SOCIALIST, a great friend of Stalin till they disagreed over territory, a real leftie. Because he was also a mass murderer, other lefties have disowned him and call him a Fascist, ridiculous because that's an Italian political party. Most of the Mass murderers of the twentieth Century were Socialists: Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot. Castro even arranged for Che Guevara to be murdered. Great people, lefties.

Update 4:

Jim R - I agree that the war in Iraq is a waste, but there are free elections there today, and a nasty dictator is gone.

Your racist rant and stated hatred of Jews makes it difficult for me to accept you as a fellow liberal.

Update 5:

Jaime E - all you are saying is that the Israelis are winning. That has nothing to do with moral justification. Sometimes the winners are the good guys, sometimes not. You can't say that because the Israelis are not the underdogs, they are not the good guys. It doesn't work like that - sometimes a weak nerdy guy attacks a jock with a knife. The Jock reacts in self defense and hospitalises the nerd - does that make him the bad guy?

Update 6:

Jaime E - all you are saying is that the Israelis are winning. That has nothing to do with moral justification. Sometimes the winners are the good guys, sometimes not. You can't say that because the Israelis are not the underdogs, they are not the good guys. It doesn't work like that - sometimes a weak nerdy guy attacks a jock with a knife. The Jock reacts in self defense and hospitalises the nerd - does that make him the bad guy?

Update 7:

conscience - You are not my conscience, and I have a real problem with people who start an argument with "Think about it". It normally means "Discard your thoughts and accept mine!" Not going to happen.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hamas doesn't want the Death of all Jews, Read their charter... THey want death to Zionists that are OCCUPYING their land....

    How can you Support Israel and be a Pacifist... Israel kills 200 civilians for ever 1 civilian Hamas kills.. That is a fact....

    Hamas doesn't barely does anything..... Everything it does is exaggerated.. When was the Last time a rocket actually hit and killed someone?

    There is no "War", more like a massacre... It's Rocks, Ak-47's and ROckets vs. Tanks, Helicopter Gun ships, Naval battle ships, F-16's, APC's and much more.... I would hardly call that a war.

    EDIT: Actually it doesn't fire from schools that is a myth look it up, and not "Often either" The entire Gaza strip is a civilian centre . It is defending it's citizens against the Occupation AND blockade... All they want is the end of the Blockade, and the rockets will stop they stated this 30 years ago..... THe blockade itself is Illegal, so Israel can kill 2 birds with 1 stone if they end it, Read Hamas's charter.... Frankly I don't think you have any idea about what your talking about.

    IF we are talking about Murder, Israel murdered 300x more people than Hamas - Fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes mere mathematics and the clarity of numbers helps clear up misperceptions. During the past upheaval in the middle east, some 5000 Palestinians were injured, half of which were civilians. Another 1300 were killed, and similarly half of them were civilians.

    In contrast, some 30 Israelis were killed, the majority of which were soldiers in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).

    So who is the bad guy?

    Numbers are sometimes stronger than words.

    I guess if you've had a genocide done against you it makes it okay to do genocide onto others!

    May Peace be upon you who reads these words, whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, other or even non believer.

  • 1 decade ago

    All black, think about it logically. These very same Palestinian were living with the Jews for centuries without any trouble whatsoever. Now why on earth should they all of a sudden, out of the clear blue sky decide that there can be no cohabitation between them. If you can dig up the answer to my question, you ll get the answer to yours.

    Here s a link to illustrate what I am saying:


  • 1 decade ago

    As a pacifist you can easily condemn the 'bullyboy' tactics of the Israelis against the Palestinians of Gaza ... war will not solve anything ... it will just create more hate and resentment!

    As for your allusion to Hitler, you have not told the whole story ... Hitler was also a 'good' Christian ... explain that!

    'I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.'

    - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

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  • Bob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If someone were to trespass on land that you had been holding peaceably for hundreds of years, you would be pretty angry too. Or would you coalesce to the demands of Europeans, for a permanent ghetto to be set up on your land?

    Try to put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians for a minute. I certainly wish that they would stop the rocket attacks because they aren't doing them any good, but Israel's response was not in the least proportional. Israel purposefully bombed schools and police departments. How can you without direct relation on either side say you support one side or the other? I just wish they would stop killing one another. Israel is the bigger power here. Thus I can't help seeing them as the bully. If a toddler steps on my feet in the grocery store, I can't really see myself punching him in the face.

    I don't happen to be a pacifist or a vegetarian. Also, pacifists aren't really that common anyhow?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    quite easily. i dont support hamas violence either. i do however support the fact that they are the only resistance movement fighting israeli oppression. and you can save the hitler comparisons. hes one of your guys (right wingers)

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously, a vegetarian could easily work as a butcher. People have to earn money to buy vegetables and fruit. An avid environmentalists might have to work in coal mine to feed his family.

    You know how to write but you cannot think very well.

  • x x
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just look up the word Pacifist in the dictionary and it will reference you to hypocrite.

    They just hate America and they will do anything that will hinder our way of life! It is that simple. Don't try to use logic just understand that anything that will hinder the free society we have developed is their target. Then it all make sense, if I could use that word to describe their actions!

    Paki24; You are lost! Stop listening to you college prof. and read! Other wise we will consider you the enemy within, a fifth column.

    Source(s): And Hitler liked animals (PETA before it's time). SERENAZ: Hitler was at best a pagan but most likely an self egotistical maniac with no religious beliefs. His book was propaganda for the masses.
  • 1 decade ago

    Israel wants to co-exist peacefully with its Arab neighbors. Palestinians and the majority of the Middle East followers of Islam want to be left in peace to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    most pro-palestinians dont even know what hammas is,

    i bet they cant even locate israel on the map

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