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I need some urgent relationship help! My love..whats happening to her?? Has she gone nuts?HELP?
I thank those who take the time to read this is rather complicated and I really appreciate your serious advice everyone.
Okay to start off, me and my GF (both of us are 20) have been dating to almost close a year now (aniversary is on valentine's day) and I love and care for her to the point that I would sacrifice my life for her. We have been through plenty of things it sadness..fights..even pulled her out of a serious sickness that could have taken her life. I care for her so much..
Back to the situation, just yesterday I called her up to ask her about her day as always and all of the sudden she went a little whacko and starting doing these actions on the phone line:
> She said she felt lonely, sad and just simply like sadness engulfing her
> She was a victim of office politics which have placed an extra burden on her workload recently during these months (through which i have helped advised her how to deal with it)
> She started mentioning that although she has exams to study for, she wants to go skating. (After which i did suggest asking her out to skate for a while to relax her mind but she refused and said she wants to go jogging alone instead)
> After that she started moaning and out of the blue popped a question that went like "Have you ever lied to me? I dont think i should put my full trust in you...what if someday you change and run off with another woman??" (I reassured her..and she just continued to moan and grumble.)
> I told her she needed a break from studying and insisted that she go out take a walk or something to calm her nerves..but she refused every single offer and said things like:
> "I dont want to trouble you" (Despite her knowing that it doesnt at all)
> "I feel so bad" (implying that she feels bad due to the fact that i always did things and cared alot for her while she has not given much return to me..which i dont expect from her at all)
> "I am extremely disheartened by not only you but other people as well!"
And after much talk she said something crazy "CAN YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME FOR A FEW DAYS?? JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!"
I was extremely shocked....not to mention being extremely insulted at her remarks. I replied that she was such an ungrateful person...and that if she wants to be left be it.
I love my GF so much...why did she do this to me? I cared for her everytime shes in trouble, sick...whats happening to her? Has she gone psychotic? Any advice (AND NO BREAKUPS) will be greatly appreciated! Please help me!
11 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Ok - I think she had a little emotional outburst and said some things she didn't mean.
If you didn't know it already women can be totally irrational and when they get overwhelmed by stuff in their life they can have total meltdowns (often corresponding with the time of the month).
If I were you I'd wait for her to calm down and remind her that what she said hurt you or made you feel unappreciated. She will probably apologise.
When I get down I push people away even those closest to me. Honestly it sounds like she didn't mean it.
- 1 decade ago
What I see as I've read your story is that you assume a lot about her. She said she felt lonely - why would she feel lonely when you're there 24/7? Could it be that you're not loving her in the way she needs but in the way you think she does?
Take a few days, think about how you've loved her. Call her and tell her that you want to take a few days to think. I had a gf that I did a lot for and spent time with but she felt the same way. In the end she needed more of a physical and emotional connection - I don't mean sex; I mean holding her and not saying anything.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I think she feels like she doesn't give near as much as you. And then she overanalyzing it and coming up with the funny idea that that means she doesn't care about you as much as you do her.
She's feeling it's too good to be true, she's not good enough to deserve it, and there must be something else going on. she might have been hurt by someone before.
Add this to the fact that ladies get emotional sometimes, and you have a recipe for an irrational situation. Take her advice and don't contact her for a few days.
- 1 decade ago
Well first you need to find out if she is being faithful to you because some of those statements sounded like guilt. But she may be in a depression ok, and is thinking about her life and the people in her life. And depending on how suicidal you think she is, is rather you find a counselor for her to talk to. Sounds like she needs someone to talk to. You sound like a very caring person and I know that caring people tend to be clingy so I would give her some space and just talk to her. Suggest taking a break to give her room to think not breaking up and make that understood to her. Good Luck.
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- 1 decade ago
ok, every once in a while stress can get to some one, (especially women) and its just very overwhelming...what you need to do is let her have time to her self to think things over and calm down...i mean, call her like once a day and just say, "just wanted to say hi, and i love you....if you still need your time i me later if you get the chance" i sometimes get like that, and people trying to ;help'' just make it worse, i have done something similar to my husband,so, just let her cool off and she will come around on her own ok....the best way i can explain what i think she's going through is like this...its like everything you have had to deal with over the past couple of months (even if you resolved the problem) comes boiling up and you over Analise EVERY situation and you over think all the wrong ones, and when people try and help, everything just seems to come out rude and it pisses you off that might be it...the best things at these times are to just blow it off, except that she's a little angry right now and give her some hubby learned the hard hope i was some help, good luck!!!
- Clo !Lv 71 decade ago
I think that she feels maybe that you do care "way too much for her" and in her mind, it feels "suffocating" at times. Maybe you should not call her for a day or two and really, go on with your life. Sometimes, we care too much for others and the other person might feel "pushed over".
Of course you have the best of intentions, but try to give her the "silent treatment" for two or three days and call her then. Give it a try at least !
- happily*waitingLv 51 decade ago
It sounds to me like she is feeling bad because she depends on you so much and you do so much for her and she doesn't do much in return. Also, maybe she is just feeling a bit smothered by all your caring and sensitivity? I know that sounds insane, but I mentioned to my fiance a few weeks ago that I felt ignored and he has been going out of his way for the past two weeks now to show me "attention". Basically, he's been driving me insane for the past two weeks. Sometimes we just need space. We know that y'all love us and take care of us and we appreciate it, but it gets a bit much at times. On top of it she sounds like she is very stressed. Give it a few days and I bet she will call you and probably apologize for the whole incident.
Source(s): I'm a woman and sometimes I go a bit "psychotic" too. - 1 decade ago
Give her time to search herself. I think she has past which is hunting her. Find out from her background.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
just leave her be then like 2 days