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Killer Queen asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Housebreak a rescue dog?

We just added a new member to our house. A little 2 pound, 6 year old male Chihuahua. He was abused and is about 1/2 pound underweight. But he has the sweetest temperament. One problem. He keeps urinating in the house.

We have a dog door and he also goes out a lot. We have 2 Goldens, one female and one male. And one male Chihuahua. All but the female are rescues and are all fixed but this new one.

At first the female was licking his belly like he was a puppy, then the male Golden would push him out the dog door. They both stopped that as they must realize he isn't a puppy.

What can I do to make him stop this?


Female also barks at him when she sees him about to urinate inside but it's too late to stop him.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are going to have to start over as if he were a puppy. Don't give him the chance to mark. Keep him in an exercise pen when you can't monitor him. When you are home, attach him to you with a leash so you will be able to keep a close eye on him. Take him out often. Use a pet cleaner with enzymes to clean the areas where he has marked to get rid of the odors. Use a pet repellent spray on the spots he has marked if you have to. Stopping a male from marking is more difficult than plain housebreaking so don't give up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep taking him out with the other dogs and show him how good they are. Tell him he's bad when he urinates in the house. You may also wish to pick up some febreeze to cover his scent. That's what most of this is about anyway, the new male is not fixed and is scenting your house to make it his. Once he is fixed this should help to eliminate the problem. But continue taking him out with the others and if necessary treat them all when they do their business outdoors. Praise them for doing good outside. It's kind of like housebreaking all of them all over again even though the others don't do their business in the house.

    Your female knows the newbie is about to do the wrong thing and it's her way of telling you and him that somethings wrong. Just be patient, it will work out in the end. It took me awhile to break my mom's dog from doing the same thing. I inherited him after she passed away last year and while he does sometimes slip and forget he now goes outside. It took me six months to break him. My mom never did housebreak him since she was too old to walk him like she was supposed to with a young dog. Remember patience and praise.

  • 1 decade ago

    I see that you're other dogs are doing a lot, but I haven't really heard about what you have been doing to handle this.

    If you see that he's not figuring this out, you should not let him out of your sight. That way you can quickly correct him if he begins to potty in the house.

    If you can not supervise him then he should go in a smaller place like a crate until you can supervise him again.

    It'll take some time, but as long as you're patient he should get the idea.

  • bokor
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    schedule-Confine-Supervise the person-friendly theory is the comparable no remember the dogs's age. set up a schedule of feeding and potty cases. An person dogs could have 2 food in line with day. he will would desire to potty first element interior the morning, interior a jiffy of each meal, the final element earlier mattress at night, and each 5-6 hours in between. while he's interior he could be restricted. this could be in a slumbering crate (fantastically in a single day), an exercising pen, or in a small room at the back of a toddler gate. the only time the dogs could have unfastened run of the home is once you could save eyes on him. That way if he lifts a leg or squats you could loudly say "No-no-no" or "Ah-ah-ah-ah" and hussle him exterior. while he does relieve himself exterior you could desire to compliment him. Use despite be conscious or word you like him to affiliate with "going". Loudly say "sturdy potty" or "sturdy do it", or despite. The acquaintances will think of you're nuts, yet they are going to recover from it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He probably never had kennell training.

    It's harder to do when they are older but I would give it a try.

    Keep him in the kennel and then when you let him out immediately take him out to go.

    If he goes then give him much praise and treats.

    Keep trying this for a few weeks until you notice that he will go outside on his own.

  • 1 decade ago

    keep the dog outside in the yard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take a post that says

    "pee on sticks!!"

    and put sticks ALL AROUND your yard.

  • 1 decade ago

    go to a pet shop and ask them

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