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David Archuleta on iCarly: International fans READ?

Snarkies will be streaming the episode from TV - so Canadians and international fans will be able to watch!

It's LIVE, and for Canadians, it begins at 11 pm today, on Nick, LOL.

I hope this helped some people!

Poll: Favourite Starbucks Drink?

Mine is Caramel Machiatto :P


Lol, yes..

And Starbucks is the shizz! :)

Update 2:


Any one have any info on his song Saves the Day? Apparently it's the bonus track on the Japanese Album....

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Oh my gosh? Are you serious? YEAH! I LOVE DAVID ARCHULETA!!!

    You just made my day!

  • Shelby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    is that the dude who won american idol or something??

    im australian...

    and i dont go to starbucks, unlike in america//canada there isnt a starbucks on EVERY corner where i live ahaha!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yay for you! =]

    I don't like Starbucks...

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