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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Help me make that my last purge? Bulimia Recovery?

What steps do I need to take what should my new diet be like? Sugars really set me off even low sugar oatmeal triggered binge and purges. But is it okay to cut off all sugars (except fruit) or will that lead to anorexic tendencies? Any special way I can forgive myself?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Know your triggers to binging. Remove them from your environment.

    Like sugar. You can remove sugar and eat lots of fruits without becoming anorexic so long as you make sure you are getting enough food overall.

    Know your preferences when you do binge and remove those as well.

    This will make it less likely that when you do begin a binge you will continue it.

    Two of my big triggers were peanut butter and cheese.

    I would eat it right out of the jar... then finish the jar... then commence to what ever else I could get my hands on that I considered "bad" since I already knew Id be throwing it all up anyway.

    Expand your food variety without including foods that would definantly trigger you. That way you can eat flavorful filling foods that are healthily low in calories etc but are not "diet" or "bland" or "rabit food"

    Eating strictly in that fashion leaves you feeling deprived and will make you crave a binge and or make you think about your weight every time you pick up a box of "diet" whatevers.

    Eat 6 small meals a day. That way you eat frequently but the quantity of food at each meal will less likely make you feel guilty.

    Do it slowly. The slower you adjust to normal eating habbits the less will be the anxiety guilt stress and desire to escape and get rid of the food.

    When you catch yourself beginning a binge. STOP. Get a big glass of water and drink it slowly. Waite 2 minutes after drinking the water. Re evaluate then if you are still in the mindset to binge. Usually we are thirsty rather than hungry and often times that few minutes that you put it off may be enough time for the compulsion to pass.

    Also hop in the shower if you can. Again it takes time away that can lessen the urge to binge and you will feel clean and fresh after and may not want to dive into food and ruin it.

    Because without the binge their is no purge.

    If you do feel you have binged Do anything in your power NOT to purge it. At the very least, which still isnt the healthiest, vow to yourself to make up for it with excersise the next day or two. This is still a form of bulimia mind you. But if in worst case senario you binge and can not control yourself to not get rid or it this is better than purging. And over time if you do this (only as a last resort) you will grow less and less fond of purging. And as your eating habits become healthier you can reduce and realine your work out and your thoughts about it to a healthy state as well.

    hope these suggestions help

    Theirs no special requirements needed to forgive yourself.

    Source(s): Self recovered bulimic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just eat when you're hungry.

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