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Will There Be A Portion Of The Economic Stimulus Money Going To States That Voted For McCain And Palin?

If so, will it be a reduced amount compared to that which is targeted for States which voted for Obama and Biden?

2 Answers

  • *
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    More than $200 billion would go to states, enough to offset $100 billion in projected budget shortfalls they now face in the next two years... The money could spare states from politically painful program cuts, tax increases or both. Two-thirds of the federal money is aimed directly at states' biggest spending items: education, health care and roads.

    There is an interactive map here:

    It shows how much each individual state stands to get from the stimulus plan.

  • I get a feeling that Chicago and other near cities will get first pops.

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