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Why are people so mean these days?

Or have they always been like that ??? I must be an Alien then! (I don't mean no arrogance but I really don't feel I belong to this mean planet most of the time)

I think there was sometime when they were better for sure, I know some people were, but why not now ? why today all are filthy dogs ? I'm sorry if I insult dogs, animals are way better I believe.


You all seem to agree with me almost, where do the other guys come from?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    genes i guess. just like people get smarter and smarter everyday.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is only my theory. ( And I bet I'm Right ) There are way to many people, living to close together. All living things needs to have a certain amount of open space. Like if you plant a garden, the plants need to be thinned out or they don't grow well. Over crowding causes people to become nervous and stressed out. They end up with short fuses, and frustrated. City planners don't even bother to find out the maximum amount of people allowed within a area. In many single family homes today, you are seeing six or seven families living there. One family to a bedroom, and maybe two families living in the garage.Codes that were once enforced,are now being ignored. Houses are being built on land that used to be your average back yard. The houses have no backyards,or front yards and are no more than three feet away from one another. That is ,if you are lucky. Of course the more people, the more traffic. The more trash,the more smog. Then when those people start seeing wild animals come into their neighborhoods,they have a cow and start killing them off. Oh my god! A mountain lion came into this area to hunt for food! But it isn't our fault they built our spanking new house on their hunting ground. We better go kill them all off! I'm starting to get into another subject all together, but I hope you understand what I mean. They need to start regulating birth control by law.

  • 7 years ago

    It's because of today's society where everything is such a fast-paced rat race, with alot of miserable, impatient, selfish, rude, sour people who just don't care anymore and create their excitement by trying to upset others with their wickedness. I mean, is it really necessary to act like that? I try to get as far away from them as possible because I want no part of it and want to be left alone!!!

  • zhi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You are romanticising the past. It is human nature to be competitive with other human beings and sometimes meanness is a result of the insecurity that comes with that. The ways in which people are mean can change, what is considered mean changes, but the fact that we fight for different resources - social, cultural and material - does not change.

    Meanness is just another tool of social warfare.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ignorance, stupidity and gross generalization on the part of the writer.

    Discontent and misery has always existed. Perhaps because of technology, it's now too easy for people to express their negative views and have everyone around the world with internet able to read about it within seconds.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know, but I agree with the other answers. I think people whom are mean to people for no reason need a reality check and they need to check themselves before they trying to check others. Because if they did they probably wouldn't be mean to others in the first place.

  • 6 years ago

    In my opinion people are living with an out of control government who spends our borrowed money

    foolishly on made up unleveraged marginal loans or bonds that had no essential value in the first place.

    for example how can you ever get rich keeping your money in the banks at "zero % intrest" thus turn around and have the crony banker turn around and inflate that loan to whatever intrest they decied

    if your are fourtunate enough to "be approved for the loan"? I have wised up and noticed it is usually the minority or people with the most debt to ration who "gets the money"? please "wake up people" never believe what they say or speculate just "watch what they do"!! Magicians hypnotize you with there hands and gloves while having items up their shirt sleeve or coat pocket your eyes are trained to focus on the

    object in motion but not to correctly indentify the movement of an another object "not in motion"!!

    This new information technology also scares me"!! If it starts regenerating memory without humans and

    programmers "we are all doomed"? hey polliticans

    . Free government incentives and programs that do nothing but separate the middle class from the poor class is disaster "waiting to happed"


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    actually not all of them are mean.

    some people are also quite nice.

    maybe the problems lie with you.

    maybe or is they themselve.

    but whenever you do.

    just believe that you are special.

    and unique.

    no one is the same.

    they are mean just because they are jealous of you being unique.

    but in conclusion.

    you DON'T have to listen to whatever people say about you.


    not someone else.

    just believe in whatever RIGHT things that you do:D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    better than 1960's with KKK and colored only, sit in the back of the bus.

    And in 1800, slavery days

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with the first post. ignorance and stupidity.

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