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Lv 44,916 points

Erica M

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  • Who else find this sad that you are most likely to get kill by someone you know than someone you don't?

    What your thoughts about it? That most homicides happen by someone they knew.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Who else find this sad that you are most likely to get kill by someone you know than someone you don't?

    What your thoughts about it? That most homicides happen by someone they knew.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • A Question about FAFSA (Financial Aid)?

    My little sister whom is going to college next year recently went to see this lady to talk about financial aid. This lady told her since my parents both file taxes separately(but they are still marry and living together) that she can just put down my mom's income only since my mom make less money then my dad to qualified for FAFSA, because both of my parent's income together is too much to qualified.

    First of I'm mad at her for teaching others how to scam the government. I keep trying to tell my parents and my sister that she can get in trouble for lying on the FAFSA, but they keep saying that since that lady told them that it's ok then it's ok.

    Anyone out there whom actually work or know FAFSA well enough can ask my question.

    My question is if you only put down one parent's income and not the other are you still committing a felony?

    P.S. I'm not going to do it even through my parents want me to. I just want to prove to my little sister that it's still a felony even if someone at financial aid say otherwise.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • V: Show on ABC, What is going on with that show?

    First of all the Visitors are suppose to be reptilian humanoids so I don't know how some of them are falling in love with humans in the first place. I can understand why a human would fall in love with a Visitor, because the Visitor look like humans since they are wearing human skin to protect their true identify. But many of us aren't attract to creatures out of our species. I have yet to find someone whom practices besitality. Most people find it down right disgusting so I really don't get how some of the Visitors are getting busy with humans like Ryan. But Ryan probably isn't sexual draw to his girlfriend since he is still a talking reptile under the human skin. So basically he still will be physical drawn to a reptile, because he still is one. I can understand if Visitors true form was similar to human, but it's not. Reptiles and humans don't look nothing alike. So maybe he is looking pass her outter shell and is draw to her soul. But no matter how you spin it, it is still besitality. I don't care how intellient that species is I don't roll that way. I mean I'm open for friendship but that's how far it will ever go. I'm fine with sticking with humans.

    Second of all how is Ryan's girlfriend pregnant with his baby when both of them aren't even the same species. Ryan is a visitor so he is pretty much a walking reptile wearing human skin. I don't care how many times he have sex with her it's impossible for him to impregnant her. Maybe Anna has something to do with that. But really why would she do that I thought that they just wanted Earth for the resources and then were going to bomb it when they were done with. But maybe they are trying to take over Earth by impregnanting female humans with reptilian humanoids sperm using the women as carryers for the reptilian humanoids' babies without them knowing it. Then if that was the case then they probably been doing that for a long time. But why was Ryan so happy when his girlfriend told him the "good news" since he already knows what Anna is up to unless he was falsing a smile just for his girl.

    All my V: fans do you have any thoughts on this?

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep having dreams about older sister telling me I'm going to die?

    Please read the whole thing.

    It's so scary. It have like twice in a week or so, but anyways it usually end with me lying down or waking up in my room and my older sister is there and she keep trying me I'm going to die, because I'm a bad person or I'm going to die soon. It so weird, because I'm not a bad person and I'm healthy. But I know it's a dream, because my older sister doesn't live with me. So I'm so scared, because I don't want to die young and I don't know why this keep happening.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • I just want to know if there are any bible quote that opposition reincarnation?

    I just want to know if there are strictly any bible quotes that opposition reincarnation. So please if you aren't going to answer with bible quotes then please don't waste your time answering. If you are going to answer with bible quotes please don't play around with the true meaning of the quote just to justify your point, because I do too have a bible which I do read which I will use to determine who will receive the best answer. So please don't do that. So please use a bible quote or quotes that you truly believe that stated in the bible that opposition reincarnation. If you can't think of any then please don't answer the question.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do the people whom try to save others from hell know they're going to heaven?

    I mean you know how some people try so hard to "save" others, even people in their own religion. But how do they know that they are going to heaven? They acting like God saving them a seat up there. They acting like God giving them special privileges. I mean how do they know ahead of time that they are going to heaven.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question about speaking in tongues?

    My mom speak in tongue when she feel the holy spirit like when she listen to Gospel music or when she's in church. But she also speak in tongue when she is very mad. It's like at first she is speaking in English then it switch to speaking in tongue. It's weird, because I thought you are only suppose to speak in tongue in holy settings not when you are extreme mad. I think my mom just do it when she is very emotional. But anyways do anyone else or know someone else whom speak in tongues other than holy settings like randomly?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some people care so much to what Beyonce, Rihanna, or Tyra Banks do to their skin?

    I mean who care if they get lighter or darker. It's their body. It's their business.

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why do some mixed girls dislike when black men date out?

    I know not all mixed girls think that way, but I met some whom does including my cousin. When I say mixed I'm talking about mixed girls with a black dad and a non-black mom. It's odd to me, because they wouldn't be here if their black daddy didn't been with their non-black mommy.

    For example my cousin like white girls, but my mixed girl cousin whom dad is black and mom is asian & white think that black guys should only stick with black girls. But she isn't black all the way and she came from the same type of relationship she is against. This isn't the first time I seen this happen.

    If you don't fit the description please don't get mad, because this isn't about you it's about the people whom does. If you do fit the description or know someone whom does can you please help me understand why someone will be that way.

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why do so many girls try to dance like music video vixens?

    I haven't against it since that is your business. But now in days it like every time a girl dance it's always loose. She is either grinding, popping, shaking, and dropping it like it hot. Some girls be going way overboard and it be looking kind of disturbing. I'm a girl and all, but man it's like every girl want attention and show off her skills or somethings. It like so many girls are getting dance tips from video vixens. Why can't we just dance why do it always got to be loose? It's funny how people diss hip hop videos for disrespecting girls and how video vixens are display in music videos, but there are so many girls looking like video vixens when they dance it's not even funny. I'm not trying to diss on girls whom do that, but I will like to know if anyone else notice this too?

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Why do music have race involved?

    I mean like if you are white and want to be a R&B singer you have to sing very well to be take serious like JoJo, Joss Stone, etc. Or if you are black and want to be a Rock-Roll star you have to be extra good for others to take you serious. It's like music have like race images attracted to it. Like unless you fit it you have to work harder than someone whom does. Don't people need how mess up that is. I mean I'll support someone regardless of their race as long as they are good at what they do, but it's doesn't seem like most people would. It's like unless you are a familiar type of face attracted to the music people don't want to see you or hear you. Haven't anyone else noticed this?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do some people think being single is a bad thing?

    I mean you should be ready if that special person come in your life but you shouldn't be obsess with finding someone to be with.

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Nurse deliver baby all alone. Anyone else experience this?

    Have anyone else else been deliver or their baby was deliver by a nurse. I'm not really talking about a midwife. I'm taking a nurse that work at a hospital that usually help the doctor with the deliveries. I'm asking because when I was being born my doctor was on his lunch break and I was coming really fast therefore his nurse deliver me. So I'm just asking if anyone else had experience this before. Like if your doctor wasn't there and his/her nurse had to deliver either you or your baby or someone you know all by her/himself.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Parents lying on their children to make themselve look good?

    I mean once time when at the store this one lady was trying to steal something by putting in it her little child bag, but once she got catch she try lying on her child. Her child was trying to tell on her mom, but her mom kept trying to keep her quiet. It was kind of obvious what happen since when would a child like 8 or 9 steal a radio battery and some slow jam cds. She is little she will probably steal some kid stuff like dolls, candies, or some kid clothes. Like why would she really steal grow folk stuff. I mean people need to stop doing that. That aren't right. Like when I was little the back of my hair was coming out and my mom told me to do the wrong thing to help it grow back. She lie to my hair dresser saying that I thought of doing that all on my own. You know people always believe the parent over the child since they are grown. I mean you don't got to be a kid to lie. Don't you think it is funny when people do that? Have you seen people do that before?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why do some parents make fun of their own children?

    I hate when I hear grown people picking on their children. Like my mom, she use to pick on me when I was younger. She use to call me ugly just because I had an overbite. When I turn 14 that was the only time she start calling me pretty, because I finally had some braces. I still don't know what is up with people doing that. Some people like to make fun of their children for being tiny, or being big, or being quiet, being too dark, or being too light, or being girly, or being boyish, etc. People are suppose to show their kids love not be mean to them and pick on them.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago