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What was wrong with Joaquin Phoenix last night on David Letterman's show?

There was a bit of a problem and I am not sure that Joaquin Phoenix was on drugs or alcohol but he certainly did not try to improve his image as the interview progressed. Did anyone watch Late Night with David Letterman, last night? Check it out on YouTube.


Most of all the answers are plausible, but is there a difinitive answer and not speculation? I hope that it is not a drug or alcohol problem and that he was not using Dave and the viewing public for self-promotion.

Update 2:

I must apologize for spelling "definitive" wrong. I also need to add my views on this subject. Mr. Phoenix promoted the movie with such lethargy that I felt that he was not really impressed with the movie and his performance in it. His Hip Hop music interests do not seem genuine and he has already stated he does not want to act anymore, which is a sad turn of events for us as movie watchers. He is a fine actor and will be sorely missed. I do wish him well and success in his future endeavors.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There have been two rumours floating around his apparent "retirement" from acting:

    1) He's on drugs, gone crazy, looks homeless, etc. and clearly needs help.

    2) His brother-in-law is Casey Affleck and is "documenting" his transition to the world of hip hop music. Some have been speculating that this is all an elaborate hoax, even though Joaquin maintains that this isn't the case.

    I personally hope, for his sake, that this is all a joke and that he really is ok. I know that there are worse things than acting weird, growing a beard, and not washing your hair, but he seems pretty unstable.

  • 5 years ago

    I think he was, he was not acting normal. He looked hurt a few times by letterman's remarks and that stung me a bit, I thought they were a bit unkind personally but I guess Joaquin wasn't being a very good guest either. None the less it was painful to watch and I wouldn't have gone as far as letterman in terms of his jokes, I mean he doesn't know what Joaquin was going through in his life, I thought he lacked empathy and perspicacity, his jokes were uncalled for and in no way was Joaquin being rude, he was just dazed, there is a difference... Anyway, it probably runs a lot deeper than most of us think and I don't like Casey Affleck's plans, I bet he is up to no good with his stupid documentary. Gosh if I was Joaquin's girlfriend me and Casey would have had a hell of a talk...

  • 1 decade ago

    Assuming this wasn't a stunt, Rod hit the nail on the head. PA% obviously hasn't ever been dubbed 'a pothead' or he would know that Phoenix's demeanor/performance is very reminiscent of a someone who's hit the doobie path. THC being a gateway drug, there is a chance he was really that nervous and awkward. I can tell you,speaking as a former pothead that Joaquin was a mirror or me in social situations.

    That's assuming it wasn't a hooter. What really caught my attention was when Phoenix almost "broke character" at the end when Letterman said 'Sorry you couldn't be here tonight Joaquin'

  • 1 decade ago

    The word has been out that he is acting mighty peculiar !

    I did see exactly the same show and was so disappointed , he seemed

    like i don't really care about been here , but no one is going to pay

    me if i run off. You know he just is totally weird ... no stunt about it

    i remember seeing a show where they showed him supposedly singing.

    Oh boy, if the man is going through a Change of Life.... i would say

    its a B - I - G one that is for sure and the whole world is watching.

    I f i was psychologist i would say he is having the longest break down

    i have ever seen......What a waste of a Talented and marvelous Actor.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A guy on posted something on the Late Night with David Letterman board saying for people to watch the Joaquin interview.

    He then posted after the interview that it was all a stunt. He said he was there at the show as an audience member and that Joaquin did for fun, also saying that during commercial breaks he and Dave were talking and goofing around with each other.

    I hope that's true.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi dear Mady,

    I followed the link one of the responders supplied and Joaquin Phoenix sure does appear to be either extremely depressed, has a lot on his mind or is totally high on something.

    The dark glasses are a sure give away that he could be on something and wants to hide his pupils.

    I'm sure glad you posted this question because I missed the original interview.

    It could of been a stunt.

    If it wasn't a stunt I feel sorry for him.

    Peace and Happiness

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that was a stunt or joke. He didn't seem drunk but heavyly medicated. There is something seriously wrong with him. Nobody knows what another person is really going through and some times the pressure of life is to much. I hope it gets the approprate help he needs. I am worried for him.

  • Chorus
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I dont think anyone really knows> I watch Letterman every nigth yet somehow missed this one of al the ones to miss but I have watched it on youtube since. who knows honestly

    @pa%: the other poster is an idiot cause he DOESN'T use marijuana? lol so the marijuana-smoking community are the cream of society and those of high intellect are they haha interesting post.

  • 1 decade ago

    it was really sad to see such a lost man trying to hold himself together. he looked extremely twitchy and nervous, not to mention the fact that the video oozes awkwardness. it was pretty brutal but hopefully it's nothing too serious. a url to the video and some user insight is available in my source box.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard on the radio they think he is acting to promote the documentary his brother in law, Caey Affleck is fliming of him so he is trying to peak everyone's attention.

    Otherwise, heroin.

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