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can i know the diffrence between "efficiency and effectiveness" with some specific examples for each concept?

I am confuse.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    The ratio of the effective output to the total input in any system.

    The power or capacity to produce a desired result: effect, effectiveness, effectuality, effectualness, efficaciousness,

    Definition: adeptness, effectiveness

    Antonyms: helplessness, impotence, inability, incompetence, ineffectiveness, inefficiency, weakness

    In mechanics, the measure of the effectiveness with which a system performs. It is stated as the ratio of a system's work output to its work input. The efficiency of a real system is always less than 1 because of friction between moving parts. A machine with an efficiency of 0.8 returns 80% of the work input as work output; the remaining 20% is used to overcome friction. In a theoretically frictionless, or ideal, machine, the work input and work output are equal, and the efficiency would be 1, or 100%.


    The degree to which action(s) achieves the intended result under normal or usual circumstances.

    The existing efficiency may be high or low. But

    effectiveness speaks of achieving highest

    possible efficiency under the given conditions.

  • 1 decade ago

    efficiency : i have 5 things to do, each takes 2 minutes, but i do them all in only 9 minutes total.

    effectiveness: i do those tasks well.


    efficiency : a computer program that solves ten times more problems, using less resources and time.

    effectiveness: that computer program actually solves the problems in a better way than other programs.

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