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David Archuleta "And I just called to say.... I love you"?


People in David Archuleta's mobile fanclub,

Did you get the call?

He's so considerate and sweet! :)



I KNOW that it was just recorded and sent to many people.

I just thought it was thoughtful of him.

Like, he didn't HAVE to do anything.

And NO it wasn't just for publicity, because only his FANS who subscribe get it.

This question was meant for contacts, or fans,

NOT ignorant little girls like you.

Update 2:

Btw, thumbs down NOT from me :)

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yeah, but i didn't pick up cause my phone was on silent lol, but i called and that was amazing. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am in David's mobile fanclub! ha the only bad thing was i was with my boyfriend when David called and I was freaking out and jumping up and down! I didn't care though the call made me sooo happy! I mean i loved it and I've listened to it soooo many times now!!! It was so cute, he totally did not even have to do tht! i think it was so sweet tht he did tho i mean how many people would do tht for fans!? awwww! but yeah my boyfriend was like jealous haha, it was kinda funny, but my friend thinks he seriously is jealous of how much i like david haha, tht not good but he'll deal cuz David is amazingg!

    and Mimi person...don't ruin our fun, go somewhere else, David lovers don't need your scum here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignore the gnats.

    I wish I had gotten the message but I do not have a cell phone so I am not in David's cell phone fan club.

    I heard it on SnarkyArchie's though.

    Cell voice call:

    And there was also this video message found somewhere:

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya it was so cute he said,"Hey it's David Archuleta and I Just called To Say, I love you i just called to say how much i care happy valentines day!" It was cool!

    Source(s): ME! :D
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  • 1 decade ago

    OMG yes the call came to me, BUT I MISSED IT!!! =(

    I was reading a thread that somebody made about getting her call, and I was like, "I should check my phone too!"

    and it said that I had one missed call and I was so bummed out =/

    eh, at least he left a message haha

  • 1 decade ago

    I got it, but I wasn't able to answer the phone because it was on silent mode! =( But I called the number back right away and I heard it. =]

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Very bright speaking regarding the darkness all of us might desire to undergo on occasion. yet from darkness comes last. unhappy, yet authentic. Love is a perplexing adventure. nicely written.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    OMG that made my day SO much more special...

    I swear, i had to press 2 and listen to it over and over again...

    He was so thoughtful and it put a smile on my face.. <3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    That's soooo sweet of him :)

    I gotta go join it!

    I never even heard of a David mobile fan club xP

    Lol this is driving me nuts Im so happy!!!

    Archie is sooo archudorable =]

    Source(s): I ♥ Him
  • 1 decade ago

    oh...ok,i needa ask a question!! Could u message me and let me know?Does it cost money for the moblie fanclub?

  • Yup, I got it and it was soooo sweet!!!! Here's a link to hear it again:

    And here's another message of him singing part of "You Can":

    Source(s): Good ol' youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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