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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

17 y/o. A few questions about The Marines.?


My mother doesn't take me seriously when I say I want to be a Marine.

My grown brother is 100% sure he'd relapse twice as quickly if he was in rehab (because yesterdays relapse didn't count...don't that take all!), and my sister just gave up her full scholarship and dropped out of college. They're both staying with us, and they're both doing nothing. I'm living in a house full of dropouts, and I don't want that to be me! I'm ready to start making moves towards what I want to do, and though I've been thinking about it for close to a year and feel this is what I really want, a few days ago was the first my mother had heard of me wanting to be a Marine.

I was planning on taking a visit to the recruiting office down the street from my house by myself, but since I'm 17 and can't really make a move without my parents I'm now thinking the best way for me to go is to get all of the info I can, present it to my ma, and have her and my father accompany me to see a recruiter. Should I see one on my own first? I guess that would be the best way to get information...

Anyways. What does the process of becoming a Marine at 17 entail?

I'm a junior in HS, currently at a continuation school and am a few John Hancocks away from starting at Job Corps. No, I didn't get kicked out of school or anything like that. I'm a good girl :-). My plan as of right now is to catch up on my school work and get ahead. No doubt in my mind whether or not I can do it...especially being able to go at my own pace! I'm not stupid at all, and I'm motivated.

From what I understand, I'm eligible as long as I'm working towards my diploma...So what comes next? Would I be in DEP until I graduate or something? My mother seemed a little open to DEP, but if this is the case, by the time I graduate (my birthday is in Dec) I'd be 18 and wouldn't need her. And I'd really like to get my foot in the door sooner than that. Anybody care to shed some light on DEP please?

Now for my other concern. I don't know if it's a big deal or not...but I've had one...or stints. Both for overdoses. I was put on 72 hour holds both times, and minus the 2 hours between my first discharge and ending up back in the hospital for the second time, I was in for about a month total. They didn't make me stay or anything like that, I just wasn't ready to go back home...

Rough times, in the past, and staying there.

Would I be considered mentally unstable or anything like that? I promise I'm sane ;-) girl scouts honor. I really hope that's not a deal breaker!

Haha...well now that you know my life story, any answers are appreciated! And excuse my ignorance. I've been reading around, but besides requesting the mail info packet, this is my first time asking questions. Really looking forward to any information! :-)

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your writing style and ability to express yourself leaves no doubt in my mind that you are very bright and can complete high school, and go on to college if you want. Even if a person doesn't have the grades or the exact college prep curriculum to go to the best 4 year university, he can always start at a junior college. When applying for admission to a 4 year university as a junior level transfer student, only junior college grades are considered for admissions decisions.

    You do need a high school diploma to enlist in the Marines. DEP is a delayed entry program. It allows a student to guarantee a certain MOS. He meets with other DEP students every week. He is under no obligation and can withdraw from the DEP until he ships off to Boot Camp.

    I don't think anyone here can answer your specific question about the 72 hour holds from the information given. A waiver will probably be required and that will depend on how long ago the incident occurred. Age when it occurred Any re occurrence etc....

    I suggest getting involved in JROTC or Civil Air Patrol as soon as possible. This will give you somewhat of an idea of whether you will enjoy a military lifestyle. And do well in your academic subjects at school. If you do well and go on to a junior college, many have cross town arrangements with rotc detachments at local universities. For instance 20 of the 35 cross town schools listed are junior colleges:

    This allows the junior college student to participate in rotc while at the junior college. When he transfers to a 4 year university he can then complete the rotc course and on graduation will be commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the army, air force or marines or an Ensign in the navy. Scholarships are available for rotc students that will pay full tuition. Another option is to go to a 2 year military junior college like Marion. ROTC scholarships are available at the military jc's. In addition the ECP is also available. This allows commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army by the end of the Sophomore year. The 2nd Lieutenant then goes to a 4 year university and completes a bachelor's degree. When he graduates from the 4 year university he goes on active duty as a 1st Lieutenant.

    If you are interested in these programs you will need to score a certain level on the SAT exam. It is not high at all and should be possible for any student who takes the time to learn the subjects that are tested on the exam. These are primarily Algebra but also Geometry, and English Reading and Writing. I can already see you will do well on writing. Believe me it is possible. I have helped a kid who was getting an F in Algebra to getting B's on exams in a little over a month.

    One important step to take is to be sure to send in the FAFSA well before the deadline during your senior year. This is what financial aid awards to colleges are based on:

    The bottom line is that you are definitely bright. If you are now motivated and armed with knowledge of the vast opportunities that are available, you can achieve great goals.

    Calculate regular military compensation for various ranks and locations at the following link. Be sure to select the location, It makes a significant difference due to the housing allowance(BAH.) Lower ranking single enlisted live in the barracks for free and do not collect BAH.

    2nd Lt( Army, Air Force and Marines) = Ensign(Navy) = O-1.

    1st Lt( Army, Air Force and Marines) = Lt JG(Navy) = O-2.

    Captain( Army, Air Force and Marines)= Lt(Navy) = O-3.

    Advancement to O-2 by about the 18th month.

    Advancement to O-3 by about 39th month

    Good Luck!

  • It's awesome that you wanna join the Marines but I think you should join the Marine Reserves because then you can also go to college and get a side job, that doesn't interfer with your military job on the weekend. For the reserves you still go through the same boot camp and MOS and MCT but just later than active duty and you have some time to go to school and what not after boot camp before your MOS school. My brother is a reserve and it's working out really well for him. Also instead of living on base and what not for active, you get stationed at a base close to home or school and you go on duty one weekend a month.

    Jane S- really? Marines are homosexuals? last time I checked, you're not even allowed to have homosexuals in the military unless you do that whole dont ask dont tell policy or whatever it is. Should really watch what you say on here cause some people ARE Marines and HAVE family members in the Marine Corps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK do yourself a favor and join the army or AF. The marines will make a you a sick asshole that's too stupid to think for himself. Most of them become losers and never amount to anything but always talk about how they were in the corps.

  • Lilly
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I'd say the Air Force would be a better experience :) If you want info on that i could give it to you- but I could only give you info on the Australian Air Force. From what I've seen though they are pretty similar.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Join the Army. Marines are all messed up and closet homosexuals.

  • 1 decade ago

    join the army instead theyre much better

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