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Scarlet asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

I could use some weight loss tips.?

I have a daily exercise routine: I run a do twenty push-ups and crunches every morning and every evening. And I run a mile daily.

I eat fairly healthy. I tend to stay away from from greasy, oily foods. I eat a lot of fruits and salads, and I don't drink sodas.

But I am still over-weight! Any ideas on what to do?


According to several charts I have checked online, and after making an appointment with my doctor to be sure, with my frame and height, I should weigh about 135. I weigh 165 but my goal is to reach 145.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    A very important weight loss idea that many people overlook is water. People don't want to drink water because they think of water weight but it is the exact opposite. Have water with u at all times. First off cold water suppresses hunger and warm water gives ur body the illusion of being full. It flushes ur system i.e. the more you pee the better. Its great for your skin and ur digestive track also. NO SODA PERIOD. If you only drink water for a week and no other liquids and eat normally you will see results. Eventually u have to start dieting more and exercise. Start easy just take a light run or if u don't want to go outside if ur not comfortable enough with your body yet get a taeboo video and do it in your house. Dont crash diet and go nuts but try to stay away from sugar and really limit your carbohydrates. Try to eat lean meat like chicken, turkey and fish is very good. Like i said take it slow and as you start to see even the slightest results it will motivate u to do more. Oh and by the way, you should weigh urself but make sure its first thing in the morning, after you have peed, naked, and at the same time evryday. Its the only way you will completley know the true results. Good luck!!!

    Source(s): This is my Lifestyle :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you'll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn).

    Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.

    Don't make all of these changes at once or you won't be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you'll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner's Guide to Dieting -

  • 1 decade ago

    its really all the basic stuff you already know and hate to hear

    reduce your caloric intake by 500,

    so if you were eating 2,000 then take it to 1,500 and so on

    make healthier choices

    dont cut out your favorite foods

    just eat them in moderation

    like 100 calories of your favourite food a day

    you CAN still lose weight and eat something nice too :]

    just wouldnt reccomend any more than that

    do half hour of cardio every day

    and like weight training

    go for a long walk

    use stairs instead of lifts


    jump rope

    make your own little routine workout like you have, but vary it! your bodys probably used to what you do so change it a little :]

    weigh yourself once a week around the same time

    you can do it :] and good luck

    just takes some time

    be patient


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try drinking a glass of water right before you eat, that makes you feel a little bit fuller so you don't eat as much.

    Try doing 2 miles now instead of just 1.

    Do 40 pushups and crunches every morning and evening.

    Push yourself harder each time.

    Best of luck,



  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 4 years ago

    give your sweetie a massage then have him return the favor

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    skip the people movers

  • 1 decade ago

    Start keeping a log on what you are eating sometimes the things we put on our salads have just as many calories as having a cheeseburger and french fries.

  • 5 years ago

    Sleep in a cold room Sleeping in a cold room is a best way to force your body to heat itself up for hours

  • 5 years ago

    crank your ipod as you walk at 3 5 mph for 23 minutes

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Add extra few minutes to a workout

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