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Oh my God I just spilled arizona iced tea on my laptop keyboard!!! What should I do?

I am to the point of tears after spilling Arizona raspberry iced tea on my laptop keyboard when i was walking to my desk. I was cleaning my room attempting to clean all the garbage up from my room when it slipped out of my hand and spilled across my keyboard...I have an HP and it is my baby! I called my boyfriend up and he's a "techy" so he told me what to do. My laptop stopped turning on and when i try the light flashes but nothing happens...Am I up the creek at this point? I'm going to take it to my boyfriends in a couple hours and he's going to try disassembling and cleaning it but if he cant fix it im screwed! The underside of it didn't get wet and neither did the mother board...just the front keyboard pretty much got it...Does it sound like my laptop could be saved or is it too late?


im using a different computer obviously right now

12 Answers

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've had this happen to me and I'm a professional techie.

    If it won't turn on, it is quite likely that it's fried. However, before we pronounce it dead, here's some things to do.

    (1) Unplug it. Immediately.

    (2) Open it so that you can place it upside down, which will let any excess liquid drip out. Be careful when doing this, as you don't want to place too much pressure on the hinge.

    (3) Let it sit (put a towel under it) for 3 or 4 days.

    (4) Plug it in and try to turn it on.

    If nothing happens, no even the power light, then it's toast and you'll need a professional repair.

    If you get a power light, but other things aren't working, then it might still be recoverable.

    If it works, you will need to have your BF or a pro open it up to clean the keyboard, since it'll be rather sticky.

    Sorry, but getting liquid into the computer (how do you know the motherboard didn't get wet?) can destroy it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Spilling liquid over a keyboard usually means the end of your computer because delicate parts inside that should be kept dry have been unexpectedly made damp or even wet. How do you know the motherboard didn't get wet if you haven't disassembled the computer

  • 1 decade ago

    First thing to do is don't panic. Panicking makes things worth. What I would do is dry the laptop off with a clean cloth (the outside, of course) and let the laptop air dry. If it doesn't turn on after a couple of hours, then you might need the motherboard replaced and probably more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Quick.....get a glass, turn the laptop so that a corner drains into the glass.

    It might not be too late to save some of that iced tea.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    damnnn. well i mean if it got into the keyboard, it could get into the rest of the computer which it sounds like it did since it's not turning on. hope ur bf pulls off a miracle.

  • Andy T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are up the creek by now, too late to do any procedure of real merit

  • 1 decade ago

    don't shake your comp, take it apart, and then clean with denatured alcohol. it'll clean all the smudges so it wont be as sticky on whatever the drink got on. make sure it's denatured btw.. and then hope it turns on after it dries.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all 2 al da ppl who thnks shes stupid for typing shes on a different computer!! duh!! its called usin ur brain.( da thing in ur head) for al of u who dont now wat ur brain is.

    Second all u hafta do is turn it of and try and get of as much iced tea as possible and wait for ur bf 2 help u.

  • 1 decade ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yes it can be repaired. the question is, is it worth the price?


    Source(s): elec repair 20+yrs
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