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Lv 5
J S asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Will some people still be in denial when World War 3 breaks out due to climate change?

World leaders are trying to figure out how to clue people in:

Mass migrations and war: Dire climate scenario


Ben O - The Pacific Decadal Oscillation produces a cooling effect lasting how many years? I beleive each phase can last 20-30 years, which would certainly explain a few past cool periods, none of which slowed the long term warming trend.

Update 2:

Mark M - Science thrives on competition and testing theories. Are you aware of any papers which challenge the capacity of elevated CO2 to produce warming? I'm not. Please share a link if such a paper exists. I'd welcome the good news that the topic really is being debated by knowledgable scientists.

Update 3:

bestonnet - You may have a point, much of the conflict could be trying to secure borders. But some countries will need resources such as water (over 2 billion people are affected as the himilayan glaciers dry up). Furthermore, once the damage is dead obvious via drought and crop failures and the "enemy" is clearly identified as coal power and transportation (70% of the issue in Norht America), won't the least cost logical response to minimize further damage be to quickly "take out" coal plants globally?

Update 4:

Northern Logger - Thanks. I can understand why you'd be tempted to think that I'm slacking off here given the departure from links to science. And granted, something as well-defined as "WWIII" also isn't the only possible type of conflict that could result, but change and often resource issues have caused all major past human civilizations to disappear. I believe that history shows that they don't go down without a fight if a neighbor has the reources they need for survival.

We could assume that we're magically immune to the side of human nature that denies and fails to recognize gradual resource decline, but I would propose that we engage in the discussion without simply trying to shoot the messenger who even brings up the topic. Fair enough?

Update 5:

Please accept my apologies for the occasional typos. I have a scar on my right cornea (gotta love the risks of wearing contact lenses) so it's very hard for me to catch details on the scale of one or two letters.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Some few people... staring over the dry barren plain... screaming at the scorching wind... and their only thought will be "Why has my God forsaken me?"

    If anyone thinks that governments and resourceful corporations and individuals aren't already preparing for the inevitable... don't kid yourself. It's the unspoken truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Undoubtedly more foreign aid programs will not stop the weather. But it could deter a war. He--l pay anyone enough, they will stop whatever it is that you want. I can't help wondering about modern countries much less the poorer nations. To be realistic pushing all the chips onto the table. America has been dealing with and still is with (mass migration) issues. Asian countries have large floating migratory pools that follow the jobs. India has the same problems, but at least they try to create stability through education.

    So yes they can have my extra 13 dollars a week. Maybe they will learn to build a dam or invest it in agri biotechnology program for disease resistant grains.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    WW3 does no longer be a conflict, noone might combat by using fact of each and every of the Nuclear conflict... all people might only bomb the s*** out of another, So WW3 might never start up. meant we didnt have Nukes i might in all threat be compelled into the army the place i may be a medic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt that there will actually be a world war due to global warming (cities underwater, yes; people starving, possibly; localised wars, probably a few). There's just too much at risk for the big powers to get too involved in any of the wars (and the possibility of escalation will prevent them from going at each other directly, instead the wars fought will probably be proxy wars and funding of terrorism instead of WWIII).

    Some of the problems caused by global warming could be mitigated by providing improved technology so that might avoid a lot of wars (and probably be cheaper than war, enough so that only idiots would actually fight and they'd probably fight anyway).

    EDIT: In terms of water, desalination could be used if needed (a carbon neutral source of energy for the process would be a good idea though), landlocked countries would be able to buy water from countries that have access to the ocean for desalination (or receive it as tribute, err, I mean foreign aid).

  • davem
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The question is not when, but if. And even though Stern feels world war 3 is imminent it remains far from reality.

    Should the idea of global warming ever become something more than a weak, groundless theory we will deal with it, but not because a staunch Brit with an attitude tells us to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His audience Saturday, small and elite, had been stranded here by bad weather and were talking climate. They couldn't do much about the one, but the other was squarely in their hands. And so, Lord Nicholas Stern was telling them, was the potential for mass migrations setting off mass conflict.

    This statement pretty much sums up the real gist of the article. The elite were stranded for a day and that is a real problem for them after all they are above the rest us.

    Of all the believers J.S. I have respected your opinion, this article is not up to your standards and quite frankly I am disappointed.

  • 1 decade ago

    World War Three may or may not break out, but it will have nothing to do with the weather.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fear is a timeless tool used by politicians to further an agenda. In this case the agenda is global socialism.

    Scientists who disagree with the UN's IPCC must be in denial too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yea - This idea ranks right up there with the 'Domino Theory'.

    It sounds plausible, scares enough people and in the end, just more mindless political ranting.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Will some people will still be in denial if we get 20 years of cooling?

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