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lochmessy asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

The difference btw buying pedigree animals from breeder or store?

I was always told to never buy an animal from a store as you were more likely to get a sick pet as they were breed in animal farms. If you bought from an individual you would get a better healthier animal and the owner would back up the purchase. Don't believe it. I don't want to hear from all the people out there saying you shouldn't buy an animal, you should get one from a shelter. Animals that are bred need a home too, as they have been born and someone has to buy them, someone who can afford them, and anyway, I love Himalayan cats. But beyond that I have 3 cats and the last one was bought from a place called Christa Cats in NJ. Do not ever do business with these people, they do not back up their $800 cats. I bought a cat that I just luckily noticed by chance was sick. I thought at first it might be asthma as the cat was coughing all the time and I've had a cat with that problem. No such luck. My poor cat had been born with a number of organs including the heart and liver in a pouch, and if I hadn't caught it when I did my cat would be dead by now. I told the breeder about this, and she checked with the Vet and was told it was as serious as we had said. We spent $1000 to have surgery, and the breeder followed all of this through. I thought this was because we were getting some money back. Her comment was, we had 3 days to check the cat out and after that, too bad. Who x-rays a cat in the first 3 days. I've checked with other owners of Pedigree animals and all have been reimbursed for sick animals. I'm just pointing this out, first to keep people away from these people, but also to be careful when signing contracts for animals.. Don't give them only 3 days, cover yourself and your animal. Not everyone can spend $1000 for surgery, and who wants to fall in love with an animal and find out it's going to die in a few months.


I did check out the breeder and they had a good rep for 8 years, this was the first sick cat, it was a rare genetic disorder, rarely seen in kittens. They had all the correct paperwork from The Cat Fancier Society and my cat has more papers than I do. And it's not showing off or whatever if I happen to decide to spend the money I have on my cat's health and spend the money for an operation to save his life and go without eating out for a few months and not buying some other things I would like, the cat's life is worth it, plus at that time I thought I was getting the cost of the cat back. Would you sit back and watch your cat cough to death, if so you aren't an animal person. Also credit cards help.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A breeder is a better choice and my reason being because like you said they to back the health of their pets. Now you also have to be sure they are reputable and licensed if not all you are doing is buying a pet from a puppy mill which is almost guaranteed to have health issues. I would talk to your vet and ask him/her for a recommendation a good breeder. Now if you buy from a petstore they have the little guarantee which is normall 7-14 days, but it only covers hereditary conditions. If you tell them the pet is sick they normally won't reimburse you, although some of them will as long as you give them the pet back, don't because if they don't get resold they are either put down or returned to the "breeder" which is a good chance is from a puppy mill. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What exactly is your question? This just looks like a rant against some backyard breeder.

    Your first clue should have been papers from THE CAT FANCIER SOCIETY? WTF? There's no such thing! You're the fool to have spent so much money on a cat that probably wasn't even pedigree and obviously had some serious health issues. No one to blame but yourself. Live and learn.

    If you want a pedigreed cat buy one from a REPUTABLE breeder selling TICA, CFA or ACFA registered cats. Go to cat shows and meet the breeders, see the cats. Or better yet - adopt a cat from a shelter. I have three obvious purebreds - all from shelters - a Persian, a Ragamuffin and an Exotic Shorthair. They just can't be shown as those breeds since I don't have papers - but then, nor can yours with the papers that person gave you from their HP printer - LOL!

    Oh and Frank S is exactly right. Unless you want to be sued for libel you might want to delete this post.

    Percy the Persian - adopted at 2 years old for $20

    Penelope the Exotic - adopted at 4 years old for free - gift from friend at the shelter I volunteer with

    Café Mocha Valencia the Ragamuffin - adopted at 4 yrs old for $100 and now the top HHP in the Northwest with TICA

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there,

    I have to agree with you about purebred cats, that also need homes. And I have to commend you for taking such good care of your kitty and the sacrifices you made to do that. You saved a beautiful little life. And even though you assumed you would be reimbursed you still took the risk to front the cost.

    Since petstores get their stock from puppy and kitten mills for the most part, 99% ( I am guessing here) of the breeders care more about getting paid and making a profit. On the other hand, reputable breeders stand behind their animals and will give a heath guarantee. Also they want to know about any genetic defects that show up so they are aware that there may be problem. Reputable breeders will work with their clients and want them to have healthy and happy kittens. Reputable and trustworthy breeders don't make a profit. Trust me .. I was one of them years ago, for many years. If I "broke even" I was a happy camper. Most of time I was in the red.

    So I highly recommend if people want a specific breed, and folks have every right to have them, that they go to reputable breeders to get their kittens.

    I adopted the two Oriental Shorthairs that presently own me as both of them were not "show quality" and one of them, in fact was born with an eye defect which surgery corrected fairly well. I paid for the surgery of course. I love all cats, but I am totally enchanted with Siamese and Orientals. I love their very distinctive personalities.

    It is true that shelters often have purebreeds for adoption, and there are purebreed rescues as well. But I also think that breeders who are working hard to improve the lines of their cats for better health, fewer genetic problems and great dispostions are doing very important work.

    Good luck with your kitten and I do hope that all is ok now.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former CFA registered breeder of Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let us clear some stuff of what you think.

    Its not specific that all breeders are selling pedigreed and healthy cats.

    Secondly, people urge you to adopt cats rather than buy a new one as they are billions of cats getting killed at shelter as there is no one to buy them. Search on youtube and if you really have a heart you will cry.

    I do agree that bred cats also need a home.

    Thanks a lot for giving us awareness but this may be new to you, they are fake certificates made for dogs and maybe even cats. So report your breeder.

    Now here comes the tale of the pet stores, they usually sell cats which are unexpected but not all of them. Some people are not certified and breed as a hobby and later sell these cats to stores in return they can earn too. So even if you are buying a cat from a pet store get it checked and if it is sick return it. Pet store owners will take it back surely.

    Its very kind off you that you spent 1000$ on the treatment but don't you think you are boasting. If its not intentional sorry but bosating like this sounds too greedy.

    Anyways if something happens to my cat, I can just do anything to make it feel better.

    Okay then nice keep up the good work and report such breeders.

  • 1 decade ago

    im not an attorney, but you might want to delete this before the breeder sees it.

    my understanding of the law is, she is right. if you agreed to the three day return policy, then that is that. it is not the breeders fault that you agreed to it.

    i would never agree to a three day rule, but i would never pay 800.00 for a cat, either.

    as a rule, pet stores buy from mills, horrible abusive places.

    breeders, reputable breeders, any idiot can put a male and female in the bathroom of his trailer and and call himself a breeder, realize their reputation is their business and breed out undesirable traits , test for defects, and cull or neuter those that have a defect.

    less then show quality cats are removed from breeding and sold cheap.

    therefore, you are always better off with a breeder. just make sure you have a contract that gives you time to have the cat tested and return it, if it has a problem.

    unless you want a cat for show or breeding, shelters have 800.00 healthy cats they give away because they can not determine pedigree.

    some shumck spends the 800.00, gets the papers, then dumps the cat.

    many shelters give these cats to a shelter for just the one breed, as there is a better chance of them getting adopted by someone looking for that breed.

    you adopt what looks like an 800.00 cat, you just cant prove it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your post is EXACTLY why you should adopt instead of trusting non-reputable breeders. A reputable breeder offers a guarantee that they will take the pet back if anything happens to you, and if you aren't offered this guarantee then they aren't a good breeder. Sure, bred cats need a home too, but its about STOPPING the backyard breeders which is why you should adopt. The more people that give these monsters money, the more encouragement they have to keep breeding unhealthy, inbred animals. Cats from a shelter have had their shots, their alteration, and been checked out by a vet. That breeder you got your cat from was only interested in one thing = $$$$$$. You say you don't want to hear from us, but ours is the message you need the most. You learned this lesson by NOT adopting and NOT buying from a reputable breeder, I am sorry it happened, but the message about people like this needs to get out.

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Buying from a reputable breeder is a wiser choice.

    If you buy a pedigree from a store or backyard breeder - you are getting a poor quality cat that has a lot of health problems. And a lot of stores have cats registered with APRI, or other backyard breeder/kitten mill registries which are totally worthless - and you are buying an overpriced cat.

    Reputable breeders spay/neuter the kittens before you get them, they give them all shots, they test their breeding cats for genetic problems, they show their cats and only breed top quality cats together.

    Its much better to do the homework and check out breeders first before you impulse buy from who knows who.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally, I Will Only Get A Cat 4rm The SPCA, Rescue Organization, And/Or Adopting A Stray.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I dislike maximum folk of maximum canines accessible. i'm very choosy as to what i desire, in temperament, length, and actual visual charm. I had enjoyed the German Shepherd breed for over a decade, and had dreamed of having one. i had to correctly known the place my canines grew to become into coming from. A rescue canines is a brilliant gamble, or perhaps nonetheless that gamble in many circumstances will pay off huge, I desire to correctly known precisely what i'm getting, no surprises. So, i offered a GSD from a breeder. interior the destiny, i desire an APBT that i'm able to do obedience, agility, and conformation with. I even have MANY small pets, so a rescue APBT might in no way be depended on in my residing house. i desire a purebred pup from a reliable breeder, so i'm no longer able to easily compete together with her yet have the skill to have faith her and administration the way she grew to become into raised and socialized. i desire yet another working coated german shepherd, dark sable male, to compete in schutzhund with. of course, i desire a purebred to try this with. purely because of the fact i do no longer desire rescue canines, does no longer mean there is something incorrect with them. each and every canines merits a superb residing house. I purely have my options. yet I REFUSE to be guilted into something. The canines is purely 0.5 of the relationship. i'm the different 0.5. And that canines sitting in a shelter merits a brilliant residing house. yet I additionally should possess the canines that i particularly desire. and that's a purebred with the needed characteristics/breed features that i comprehend may be got here across by means of a reliable breeder.

  • CF_
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    there are good breeders and bad ones

    I would NEVER NEVER buy from a pet store because they support the bad ones - buy cheap - sell high.. the kitten you buy from a pet store is only ever worth 1/4 what you paid for it because thats what the store bought it for!

    a Reputable breeder would have given at least a 2 week health guarantee and a LIFETIME guarantee against genetic problems.. you should have researched the breeder more.

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