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:D David Archuleta's concert!?

Let's hear your stories!

How was it?

Good seats?

Did you TOUCH HIM.

I just went last night, it was so so so awesome!

My story:

Leave at 11 am, grabbed lunch at CHIPOTLE (David's favourite fast food restaurant!) at noonish.

Arrive at 2, freaking out because doors open at 6:00 and I needed front row seats.

Mom wants to go shopping, so I get pissed at her.

Shopping till 3:30, which SUCKED screw hollister

get in line at FOUR OCLOCK almost crying

Waited in line two hours with bugs bunny towel

thighs and fingers and toes burning

(didnt get to meet up with my arch angel friends because mom freaked out i that was meeting ppl online :@)

6:15 doors open huge guy tells me to stop running but i ignore him

gota seat, wedged in between two b*tchy moms with 5 year old daughters

mom 1: excuse me, your pushing my daughter

mom 2: yeah, shes pushing me too

mom 1: sorry hun, you gotta move

yep, i moved *finger*

got 6th or seventh row seats : |


Lesley Roy opens

Girls behind me oggling her hot drummer (shut up!)


girl behind me crying (wanted to sock her in the face)

rest of concert = pure love (zero gravity <3)

9:30 concert ends boo!

bought david lanyard for $10 (rip off but w/e!)

got home at 12:30


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL you crack me up!

    anyways, glad you had fun.

    i can't tell you anything about mine yet..

    because mine is on Sunday! :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is my story.

    I cannot stand the cold. I just couldn't stand in line for hours to get in. So we arrived when the doors opened. The line to get in was over a block long. We were on the end of it.

    When we got in we found ourselves with 30-40 others, stuck in the bar/lobby and unable to squeeze into the stage room. There were no speakers in the lobby and I had no view at all of the stage.

    I knew there was a balcony. The guard at the stairway said we could go up to the balcony, but if we went up we would not be allowed back down because they were over-capacity on the stage level. He said "At least you'll be able to see upstairs." he was wrong.

    The long L-shaped balcony rail was packed 3-deep and only the front people and some tall people behind them could see. We could see none of the stage no matter where we went, and we were stuck up there.

    For David's part of the concert I sat on a 4-foot high uncomfortable rail behind the other people and that gave me a sliver of a view of the keyboard player and bassist. The only other thing I could see was everybody AT the balcony rail was having a super time and apparently had a great view. At one point my companion asked the stair guard again if we could come down because we had NO view. He said no. The concert sounded amazing but I was so sad I couldn't see David. That is all I saw for the whole concert, up to the encore.

    During part of the encore some people at the corner of the balcony rail left leaving just one layer of people at the balcony rail in that spot. If I stooped I could see a bit of David between two girls' waists (the balcony rail had plexiglass under it). David was SO CLOSE - I couldn't believe how fantastic a view those people had for the whole concert. Then some guy pushed in front of me and I lost that tiny view.

    So, I wish I was going to another concert. And I learned my lesson about General Admission. David sounded great though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, for me I just got tickets and the concert is March 27th! I got floor seats 5th row! I am so close I can touch his hand! AHHHH! I'm going to buy a teddy bear and chuck it on the stage for him! :D You know what I would do to the crying girl, I would say, " Would you SHUT UP! You wanted to hear him sing but yet you are crying making it harder for others to hear! Retard." Ha ha. I can't stand when people cry in concerts.... Although sometimes I laugh at hem! Ha ha ha! The concert is going to be awesome!Oh by the way I live in Utah his home town! I want to go stalk his house!! :) I went to the American Idol concert and I got a shirt with his face on it and a signature from him!It's hanging in my room, (sigh) He is actually really short in person when he stands right next to you..Like he did to me! HE TOUCHED MY BACK!

    Source(s): Me!
  • Wow! Sounds like you had a fun night!!! That was funny. :)

    I'm going to his ending concert in Utah. So I'm way excited!!! By the way, do they have David Archuleta shirts at the concert? If so, how much??? Cuz I wanna buy one! haha

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  • 1 decade ago

    it was AMAZING!!!

    I had AMAZING seats!!

    We got there at 4:00 and stood out side to get into the meet & greets till 6:00.Jeff(david hateful rude dad) refused to let any1 else in to meet david and there were a total of 6 kids only waiting for him to let us in...6 KIDS!!And he still wouldnt let us in.We drove 8 hourse to the concert too!My dad help up a sign n said we drove 8 hrs,could we please have one autograph,so guess what??THEY GAVE US ONE!!

    Now i have TWO!The concert was amazing,dont like leslie roy but when david came out it was amazing!!We were the very first concert on his very first tour!! How cool is that??I luuuuuuuuved Zero Gravity, its the best song EVER!!And he did 3 encores!!!*screams*.

    After the concert we waited out side till 12:00 cuz davids huge tour bus hadnt left yet,well his dad comes out there and tells us david already left,which everyone knew was a big fat LIE.And then jeff goes on to tell us this 40 min story about how life wasnt fair...ugh!! Anyway i gotta meet jeff so thats kewl.And i got a shirt,tote bag,and pass!



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




    i so wanna go to the March 14 concert but the tickets are probably already sold out nd my mom and dad won't budge :( it totally bites but i'm sooo jealous! did u get pix and did u get to touch him?!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow ive never been to one but i would love to

  • 1 decade ago

    I LOVE DAVID ARCHULETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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