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Nixon put on a salary freeze; why can't Obama put on a salary reduction?

How about a ten-year requirement that total compensation at any firm required to collect payroll taxes not exceed 14 times the rank-and-file rate?

This would create a ripple effect improving the economy immediately and for the moderate term.


nathan: yes it takes a certain caliber of person, and they have been crowded out of the position by the excessively greedy instead of the highly talented. I've worked with CEOs of major companies, and money is only one factor that drives the best of them. Power itself and creating great working teams and good products provide bragging rights for the truly great ones.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I sounds like a great idea.

  • nathan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    if you imposed such a system, it would stop all incentive to reach the top jobs of business. I believe that there is only a limited number of people who can run a company that has billions of dollars in revenue a year. It takes a certain caliber of person, for that reason alone it will take this kind of money to attract and compensate the person doing this task.

    I think it would create a ripple effect, and shoot the stock market to lows we haven't ever seen in this era. I doubt the economy would improve, and probably in fact would cause a massive shrinking of the economy.

    The moderate to long term effects would be really difficult to predict, but i image most major business would move to another country that had better business laws. Places were the corporate tax rates are much lower, and compensation laws are more favorable.


    I think you are generalizing that all CEO are greedy. It may be true that some, or even most CEO are greedy, but I think there are a few exceptions out there that truly believe in running a company well, and create wealth for the shareholders. Look at people like warren buffet, george sanos, don gillion, indra nooyi, etc. there are lots of companies out there that have excellent investor relations.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Cutting taxes? What a concept. But the libs would never go for that. They wouldn't enough money to waste on pork.

  • 1 decade ago

    Reagan got us out of the recession by hiring taxes, which obviously worked. Obama just wants to target and penalize only those 5% who are successful. He is a jackass! His stimulus package is going down the drain!

  • 1 decade ago

    He won't do that because that actually makes sense, and well as much as politicians say they listen to the public voice, they don't really give a ****

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is socialism. Nixon was a twit and a paranoid twit at that.

    Source(s): he was also a bed wetter
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