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I,m a Conservative. That's Right! I believe in less Government, more accountability form the elected officials that work for us. After all,we don't work for them.They are paid by us. Fighting for Capitalism, Freedom ,Liberty and the complete destruction of the Far left wing democrat party in America, before they destroy the country I want my grandson to grow up in.

  • What do you think would happen if?

    Do you think if Illegals started moving into Marthe's Vineyard that the democrats would do something about Illegal immigration?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • 93 chevy cavalier, ecm fuse?

    My 93 chevy cavalier keeps blowing the ecm fuse. It was running fine until my wife shut it off at the bank, when she restarted the car it ran about 10 seconds and then died. Found the ecm fuse blown. replacing it does no good. It just blows again. It's a 2.2 liter 4 cylinder automatic. Anyone have any ideas? Need help asap.

    4 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • What do you think? Erase all boarders.?

    Just give up America's sovereignty. All can come in, no questions asked. No "civil rights" are violated, as the left claims. The Republicans will no longer be seen as the bigoted white swine that the liberal left keeps saying that we are. 1 STIPULATION. The left would and every single liberal in the U S would take full responsibility for the out come that would ensue. No conservative republican could be blamed for anything that the democrats would conceive as trouble.

    What do you think? It would stop all the name calling and arguing. I think it's a great idea.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama in the class room?

    How many of you people that have children in school are going to take the kiddo's out of school on the 8th of October, the day The big O want's to speak to all the kids in every school in the USA from the 6th grade down?

    How far will this guy go to start indoctrinating our children?

    This is something that would happen in Venezuela or Cuba. I can't believe that something like this could happen in the United States Of America.

    It's really disgraceful. What next? Will Obama take over the internet?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you really have to be as miserable as they seem, to be a liberal?

    They have everything they wanted, and they are going to get everything they want. The liberals got their wonder president, you know the one that's going to reshape America into everything the libs want.

    They have a veto proof Senate, and a house full of yes men. No checks and balances, One party mob rule.

    They are going to get their precious FREE HEALTH CARE.

    They are going to get their earth saving(so they think)CAP AND TRADE.

    They are going to get another leftwing radical supreme court judge.

    And they still can't keep from sounding miserable. I guess they just can't help it. Liberalism is misery.

    Does one really have to be that miserable to be a liberal?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Nation Sales Tax? Do away with the IRS ? Everybody pays the same?

    20% across the board for everything purchased. Everybody pays the same rather legal or illegal. The government can't threaten you with the IRS. The people of the country would get a true accounting of how much money there is. It would get rid of most of the corruption in the the government(you will always have a crook somewhere). It would take away alot of the power of the elitists in government. And there in lays the problem. These elitist snobs will never cede any power they have attained. Their whole reason to exist is the keep grabbing more and more power until they have total power over every aspect of their subjects. National sales tax? Yes or No?

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago

    My guess is that you don't. How could you, when these libs in congress haven't even read it. The only thing on paper that your imperialist congress will let anyone read is the 300 page add on put on the table at 3am in the morning. I've read some of this add on and if this is what you libs want you deserve everything coming your way.

    This bill has nothing to do with the farce of climate change. It is the a massive take over of every ones private life.

    But I know you libs. Your GOD, Obama says it's good so you will never see the light.

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are the Liberal hordes celebrating the 4th of July? And if so,Why?

    I'm just curious as to what they are celebrating? The signing of the Declaration Of Independence seems to mean very little to them. They stand up and applaud every time they lose a little of their freedom. They are really offended when you disagree with the administration that's trying to take it from them. They care little for the Constitution, They again applaud every time this administration, this congress or some supreme court circumvents it's meaning to fit the liberal agenda. It seems to me that the 4th of July would be the last holiday they would want to celebrate.


    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you going to watch the Info-mercial for national health care?

    Put on by the totally {supposedly} unbiased network of ABC,with Absolutely no voices of opposition. It's going to take all day. Do you think there's enough lies to take up all day?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is liberalism a form of terrorism?

    Makes me wonder when they support these new CAFE standards that will destroy the Obama car factory.

    They have fallen for this climate change farce. The planet is cooling not warming. All you have to do is step outdoors to feel this 1st hand.

    They see nothing wrong with the massive amount of spending going on.

    They fully support the nationalization of all American industry.

    and they keep voting these socialist/marxist politicians into office.

    27 AnswersBologna1 decade ago
  • What if GWB had done absolutely nothing after 9/11?

    What would be the bi+ch be in that scenario? 9/11 one yr later and we're hit again? GWB does nothing again. I really wonder what all these whining left wingers would be saying today? How come no one connected the dots? Who knew what? and when? Where was the CIA? That Bush should be tried for war crimes? He stood by and never did a thing to protect the USA. Endless congressional investigations? Mr Bush? Why was there no effort to get information about what these terrorists were up to? Even though we rejected FICA. Would it be an interesting scenario to have play out? Yes or no.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are the messages sent and received from and to Obama's blackberry public information?

    I think It would be very interest to see to whom he's send messages and whom is sending him messages. Acorn, Bill Ayers? Whose saying what.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • States Rights, Federalism or Socialist state,one big happy Family?

    States Rights, federalism, capitalism freedom and liberty and a constitutional Government?


    Socialist state, one big happy family under the control of a Marxist President, With a one party mob rule congress?

    You decide. Notice I didn't mention any names. Just forms of Governing.

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • After a couple of yrs of Nationalized health care, the Left that put Obama in office will be saying?

    A. I didn't vote for this?

    B. Where are all the Doctors?

    C. What do you mean,I can't get an MRI for 8 mos.?

    D. What do you mean,Because I eat sugar?

    E. You get what you pay for?

    F. All the above?

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is This News Worthy? The Big O and his little Imp went for a hamburger.?

    MSNBC broke into their programing with breaking news. The Big O and Biden left the White house and went to a hamburger joint to eat lunch. I rest my case about that joke of a news station.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I thought you Liberals were going green? No Carbon foot print?

    How much fuel was used to fly Air Force 1 around the Statue of Liberty for a photo op? And how big of a carbon foot print was that?

    It was really funny watching all those people running from those buildings being has how The big O and the dems tells us terrorism doesn't exist.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now that the Taliban is 60 miles from the capital of pakistan should the BIG O?

    What do you people think about The BIG O getting on Air Force one and flying in there and giving one of his sappy syrupy can't we all get along speeches? I'm sure the Taliban will step back and be our buddies. And I'm sure that the Taliban would promise to disarm.

    The only stipulation would be that he would have to take Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of this poor excuse for an administration with him. Yes or No?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do Radical Liberals really know what Torture Is?

    Why do you liberals feel sorry for the creeps in dirty bed sheets because they got a little water up their nose?

    And then on the other hand condone the murder of a partially baby with what must be an extremely gruesome and painful manner?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now That we know,a la, king Obama that America is not the answer but the problem?

    Where do you see America in ten years?

    A. A free country maintaining it's sovereignty.

    B. Part of Mexico

    C. Part of Canada

    D. Under Islamic Rule

    E. Gone

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Gitmo detainee's on your door step,with money help from the Obama administration?

    Yeah, coming to a street near you. These dregs of humanity will be let lose in this country with money from the government to help them settle.

    How will Obama explain a suicide bomber killing 2 or 300 people with a bomb made with money from the US treasury?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago