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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are the Liberal hordes celebrating the 4th of July? And if so,Why?

I'm just curious as to what they are celebrating? The signing of the Declaration Of Independence seems to mean very little to them. They stand up and applaud every time they lose a little of their freedom. They are really offended when you disagree with the administration that's trying to take it from them. They care little for the Constitution, They again applaud every time this administration, this congress or some supreme court circumvents it's meaning to fit the liberal agenda. It seems to me that the 4th of July would be the last holiday they would want to celebrate.



Hey mom? as a matter of fact YES.

Hey suspend? Get back to Iran!

Hey phoenix? See if you can say that in 2 years.

Hey smug lib? Don't count on it.

Hey truth seeker? If I were wrong I wouldn't have had to ask this question.

I didn't think I would get one plausible answer from a Lib.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We aren't hordes.

    It's a lie that he Declaration of Independence means very little to us.

    We do NOT stand up and applaud every time we lose a little of our freedom, that's the job of the wing-nuts, who positively HATE freedom, except the freedom to murder everyone once they're born.

    It's the right who elected a criminal and traitor, who HATES the Constitution; WE elected an expert in Constitutional law.

    Why does the right post nothing but lies?

  • 1 decade ago

    We celebrate the real idea of America - true freedom. We celebrate the entire Constitution and the Bill of Rights not just the parts we want to bastardize for our own gain. We understand that a free America requires a free thinking people and we celebrate that we are. We realize that saying you care about America is not the same as ACTUALLY caring and we celebrate that we do. We celebrate that everyone in this country has the right to pick their own religion and not be forced to live by one religions standards no matter how much the right disagrees. We celebrate that even though he tried his hardest to destroy America, the most incompetent President in US history didnt and now that he is clearly in the rear view mirror hopefully will never get a chance to again.

    Exactly what do FOX viewers celebrate on July 4th?

  • 1 decade ago

    Burn an American Flag.

    Burn a copy of the Constitution

    Burn a Copy of the Declaration of Independence

    Surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Close Club Git-mo

    Have a Michael Moore Film Marathon

    Pray toward Mecca... errr.. Obama

    Have a candle light vigel for Marx and Engles

    Rename it Dependence Day and have a Parade with BIG Missles

    Eat Tofu and vegetables and drink vodka

  • Really, the signing of the Declaration Independence doesn't mean anything to me? How can you generalize a WHOLE group of people based on someone(I'm assuming someone told you this) saying something stupid. I don't think America is a perfect country and has an beautiful and ugly history,but I definitely wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    as stunning because it is for you M i'm going to place my 2 American flags out front and we are able to little question have a BBQ like continuously. then later pass to work out the fireworks till of course i choose some style of clearance from some republican team to rejoice the 4th of July.

  • Will
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We're going to celebrate because we live the best country in the world. A country that allows moron's like you the freedom of speech. As tough as it is to allow that. Yes it is the law of the land. And we have accepted that, YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have an excellent point

    the liberals caused America to lose a war for the first time (Vietnam)

    attempted to repeat it with Iraq

    Obama wants to disarm our nuclear weapons and stop all defensive weapons systems in space--Patton said it best "you don't dismantle the fire station to prevent future fires and you don't dismantle the military to stop future wars"

    Clinton sent all our factory jobs either South of the border or overseas with NAFTA

    Obama intends to send the rest of them overseas with cap and trade and taxing the employers (the rich)

    their 25 year oil drilling ban has skyrocketed our imports from 30% back then ,to 70% now, this act alone could have caused 9/11, sending billions and billions of our dollars to Middle Eastern countries that can fund terrorists with our own money, to kill our people-even Osama is from a Oil Rich family

    Clinton and Carter set into motion the housing crisis, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-- Clinton changed the basic home loan from your payment cannot exceed 25% of your take home pay to cannot exceed 67% of your gross pay. wonder why so many people are getting homes foreclosed, it's a big mystery

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, are you smoking crack? We lost most of our freedoms under a conservative/republican administration.

    Bush Suspended our rights against unreasonable search and seizure

    Bush suspended our rights to a speedy trial

    Bush suspended our right to privacy

    Bush condoned torture

    Bush never once answered a question that was not pre-screened or pre-approved during a interview, effectively restricting the press.

    Bush used signing statements to effectively ignore any laws he "felt" were unconstitutional.

    Bush fired people simply because they did not agree with his policies, even though the were adequately doing their jobs.

    I am a liberal and there is no document more important to me then the U.S. Constitution! The Declaration of Independence is a close second.

  • 1 decade ago

    If liberals really did stand up and applaud every time they lost some of their freedom, they would have been applauding Bush for 8 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Libs", like "Cons", will be celebrating the OUR country and its people... even those with whom we disagree. You're welcome to walk away from the hate fest and join in the celebration... I'll save a sparkler for you.

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