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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago


My guess is that you don't. How could you, when these libs in congress haven't even read it. The only thing on paper that your imperialist congress will let anyone read is the 300 page add on put on the table at 3am in the morning. I've read some of this add on and if this is what you libs want you deserve everything coming your way.

This bill has nothing to do with the farce of climate change. It is the a massive take over of every ones private life.

But I know you libs. Your GOD, Obama says it's good so you will never see the light.


If all you libs say you know whats in this bill and you're still in favor of it's passage, It has got to show everyone in America exactly where the left stands on freedom and the constitution. What you libs want is not socialism, It's a complete marxist take over of America. Your actions speak for themselves.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting that it's the liberals on YA who always point out where to find the text of the bill online whereas conservatives act as if it's a great mystery that somehow Obama is responsible for. To answer your question, yes.

  • 1 decade ago

    As you can see from some of the liberal responses they really do not care about what is right for this country, instead they just want to say that their side is right and the other side is wrong.

    I to read the bill and it is truly a travesty of justice. It gives to much power to the government to control many aspects of our lives such as gas and utilities.

    When even Green peace and many other Green friendly organizations say this bill will not affect climate change and do not support this bill you have to know that there is a political and financial reason behind the support of this bill.

    It even has a provision in this bill that will allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to receive government money. This is outrages!

    We all Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independents need to stand up and let our voices be heard. This bill is bad and must not make it through the Senate.

    Toonces you are exactly what is wrong with this country. We as American should want what is best for this country and not try to simply one up the opposing political party.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please elaborate, oh level headed one. In what way is the bill a massive takeover of everyone's private life?

    Does it authorize the government to set aside constitutional restrictions during criminal investigations? Does it authorize the government to listen to our phonecalls without a search warrant? Does it authorize the government to discriminate how people arrange their own family structures?

    Seeing as how you read it, surely you can provide an example.

    Melrose a: Utilities are already heavily regulated (deregulation brought us Enron, if you'll recall)- so what's new and horrifying in this bill?

  • Gwen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    For the content of H.R. 2454

    For GOP alternative

    It is my sincere hope that everyone reads through both.

    The glaring difference is that the GOP proposed energy plan would give tax incentives to those who reduce emissions, along with a strategy to achieve energy independence without attempting forced implementation on other nations.

    The cap & trade would place mandatory taxation in place, assume gov't inspections of homes & businesses, and infiltrate daily life to the point where they propose government control of home owner's associations.

    One plan wants to run your life.

    The other fights for the American right to choose responsibly.

    Tell your Senators NO to cap & trade. Prove to this government that we can get a viable hold on the environmental issue, without losing millions of jobs, and putting people out on the street.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This rant isn't for the questioner.

    If it makes the right angry, it is ok? What kind of fools are on this board? With an attitude like yours, I sure hope your not old enough to vote because your sure not mature enough to know anything.

    This Cap and Trade Bill will affect everyone in America, including the poor whom Obama is suspose to be for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yea like anyone on YA has read the 1500+ pages. The people who vote on it haven't even been bothered to read it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course they don't know what's in it. Most of the people that voted for it don't know what's in it. They just know Obama and Pelosi say it's good.

    Want to her the sounds of crickets chirping?;_ylt=AtZ2A...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like the grim reaper got ya huh?

    No climate change in the bill? Really? Did you read the 300 pages? Didn't think so. Don't ask questions like thus if you don't know what you are talkig about. Typical neocon...

    Omgz itz gonna take ova everyone's private life durhurhur

  • Bert
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just as well as Obama knew what was in the stimulus bill he signed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, no one has read it. Obama promised that all bills would be put on line for a minimum of 5 days before they would be voted on and he has yet to do that. When the head of the Democrat Party is that much of a liar, what do you expect the lemmings to do?

  • cap
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Famous other doom and gloom "our economy is in peril" times.

    -Controlling of carbon emissions

    -Creation of SS and welfare

    -When the SC was using the commerce clause to minimize the allowance of discrimination

    I am sure there are millions of others.

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