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SweetPea asked in TravelUnited StatesDetroit · 1 decade ago

Can anyone suggest an affordable hotel on Mackinac Island?

Me and my boyfriend are planning a weekend get-away there in June. Any suggestions?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Could stay in St. Ignace and take the ferry over. Very expensive $200-$300 a night on island. Could stay in St.Ignace on the water for $89

  • Iguana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's an ideal vacation. It won't be cheap though. You better plan on spending between $200 and $300 per night. If that's a little rich for your blood you could try a campsite. I think there is one that offers a free ferry ride to the island.

    There are very few places like Mackinac island in this country. I hope you enjoy 1 of the things that makes Michigan so unique.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are no affordable places to stay on the island. The absolutely cheapest way to stay is to find someone who lives there and couch-surf at their place. (not reccomended).

    If you MUST stay on the island, I recomend the Island House. It is the cheapest of the resorts on the island, but will still be costly.

    The affordable alternative is to stay on the mainland. On the North side of the bridge, I suggest the Driftwood Motel for the best room for the price (this place is popular and fills up first, so call ahead)

    The place where I stay with my wife is here:

    Look over the website and you'll know why. The off-season rates are VERY affordable. There are two properties here and one has an indian name (I forget the exact name but the rate sheet is the same). The rooms are clean and the free coffee and muffins are pretty good. Mosquitoes are a problem no matter where you stay, so a third floor room is the choice if you want to use the balcony (mosquitoes fly low to the ground and you'll see less on the third floor)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All the hotels on Mackinac Island are expensive.

    You might want to try Bed and Breakfasts like this one, Hart's:

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you're going to stay on the Island, its VERY expensive. Just to go see the Grand Hotel, there is a fee. If you def. want to stay on the Island go to a Hotel farthest from the harbor.

    We stayed in Mackinaw city, which is a 15 ferry ride away but then you have to pay to ride the ferry, which is also expensive.

    Nothing is cheap anywhere near that place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Much cheaper to stay in Mackinac City and just take the ferry over.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, if u stay on the island u will be forking over some money. stay over in st. ignace! you will save money and you are moments away from the fairy docks. cross the mighty mac, get off at exit 344 and turn right. follow for a little bit, and u will run into a quality inn. its a cheap hotel, but a nice one with a view of the island itself...

  • 6 years ago

    Murry hotel and the mainstreet inn is not to bad. But if you have a family mission point is the place to stay.

    Also if you go off season you can get good rates

  • 1 decade ago

    Stay in St Ignace or Macinaw City and use the ferry.

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