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Noodle asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

My Cockatiel won't eat fruit/veggies!!!?

Help please! I've had my cockatiel for a few months now. She is a rescue so when I first got her and she wasn't eating fruit/veggies I thought she was just stressed out. Now its been a few months and she still won't eat them. I got her vitamins for her water and vitamin treats to help her out. I'm just wondering if its enough? Any suggestions on food she will like?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My cockatiel won't really eat fruit or veggies either. However I can suggest a couple of things to try.

    First of all are you feeding her seed or pellets? As i'm sure you already know, seeds are high in fat and pellets are much better for them. Seed is like lollies or fast food for birds. If you offer them seed with their fruit or veggies they will most likely choose their "junk food" over their greens. Try offering these types of foods at different times. In the morning give her her fruit and veggies (such as peas, corn, broccoli etc) and then at night take out the leftovers and replace with pellets (you can still give her some seed though, about a teaspoon with her pellets is good). That way during the day she doesn't have a choice to eat anything other than her greens.

    Birds can be quite picky. You need to offer her many different types of fruit and veggies to see what she likes the best. Cockatiels aren't really big veggie eaters any way. Just remember not to give her onion or avacado as these are dangerous for birds.

    You can also try giving her soaked seed (look up on the internet on how to do this) or simply plant some bird seed in the garden, and then give her the sprouts that grow out of it. They also like millet, which you can get from the pet shop.

    If everything else fails and she still isn't interested in eating her fresh greens, there are special cockatiel mixes of food which you can buy from the pet shop which contain pellets, seed and tiny pieces of dried fruit and veggies. I buy this for my cockatiel and he eats it all. There is a whole range of different packs for different types of birds, for example the macaw mix contains big chunky pieces of dried fruit and whole nuts.

    hope this helps, good luck.

    Source(s): Owner of a cockatiel, an alexandrine and an eclectus parrot
  • mchale
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cockatiel Fruit

  • Kibibi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Be careful with vitamins and vitamin water. Too many vitamins can create problems just like too few vitamins. That's why it's important to provide a balanced diet. I've included a couple links below that may help you come up with some ideas for getting your Cockatiel to try new foods. The bottom line is that it takes a lot of patience, a lot of attempts and a lot of different foods to find what your bird likes. Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a company called Just Tomatoes. It puts out freeze dried fruits and vegatables.I give my cockatiels the red rasberries and corn and they love it as it is crunchy. There is absolutely no sugar or preservatives of any kind, so its healthy for them. Plus you can leave it in the cage without worrying it will spoil. You can check them out online, or some of the health food stores carry this line.Its made for people and pretty tasty I must say. Good Luck!

    Source(s): My experience
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  • B!nd!
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The best way I have of introducing new food to my parrots is to eat it in front of them. If you have a strong enough bond with your bird, you should notice that it will start to eat when you are eating- and they are usually intensley interested in what you have to eat.

    Next time you are eating something, eat it near your bird- you might even like to have her out of her cage and near the food so she can have a try if she likes.

    Parrots can eat pretty much everything except for avocado, chocolate, etc. A little bit of your dinner shouldnt hurt her at all, provided that its not full of salt or sugar.

    My birds love to have a bite of my toast, or a piece of my cereal each morning, and they love to drink my juice as well!

    Once you have started introducing new foods to her she should be more accepting of the fresh foods that you are giving her.

  • 1 decade ago

    -We have had out tiel for 6 years, and he has never eaten anything but his pellets and some millet on his play pen. We have him on the tan pellets in his cage, and colored pellets on the play-pen. He seems to think the colored is a treat? We have tried every fruit/veggie known, and he just does not even try them. I have even tried giving him some as I wwas eating- same negative result. Some just don;t like to try new things.

  • *StOd*
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How are you serving it to her? Does she have a treat dish...I like to fool mine and but veggies in there...haha it actually works! Also, is the food cut up really small? If I don't cut it up he get really scared of it and will run from it, but if I cut it into small pieces he will eat it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    shes probably a seed junky which isnt good because they are high in fat

    what can i say its like going from chesseburgers with lots of cheese to carrots. try cutting back on the seeds and slowly start adding more healthy foods. she will get hungry sooner or later and start eating the fruits. good luck

    Source(s): parrot owner =]
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