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What do you think of this one?

Sad Part of Life

Why do two people who say they love

Have to hassle, push and shove?

Did someone blow their fires out inside

Or were they left unattended so they died?

It is such a sad part of life

When this happens to a man and wife

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good poem. It doesn't answer any of its questions, but causes the reader/listener to think. That seems to me to be the point of poetry- to cause to think, feel, or experience something intellectually.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    -Why do people write poems about stupid crap.

    -And how come most rappers cant even rap.

    -Im tire of my cold and my runny ****** nose.

    -Its Nice out today so this really ****** blows.

    -There anit nothin on tv besides jerry springer.

    -And all they do is throw up there middle figure.

    -i got 550 channels and there anit nothing on.

    -And you know whos very repetitive....Lil John.

    -I think if i go to sleep now sometime will pass.

    -but i'll probley wake myself up from rippin ***.

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