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In Your Opinion, What Percentage of Obama Supporters Has Ever Read The Constitution?

In particular, Article Two.


Edit: It seems many who post questions here believe he can do anything like some sort of Federal Wizard King instead of the job of President as described in Article Two.

Update 2:

Edit: Amazing! I post a simple question which begins "In Your Opinion" and the attack dogs come out. That includes one attorney who tries to read between the lines and invites me to sue.

I hope the others who answer this question are capable of reading it without imputing any hidden motive to it.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would say its under 5%.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an Obama supporter.

    I'm also a lawyer. I passed the California bar exam on the first try. To pass the bar exam, you have to not only read the Constitution, you have to read a lot of cases and answer questions about the Constitution correctly.

    If you believe that some of Obama's actions have been outside the scope of Article II, why don't you sue, or find someone directly harmed who can sue? It's your right. If you win in such a lawsuit, your position will be vindicated. If you lose, you lose. But until you sue and win, your arguments are just idle speculation.

    One reason we have federal courts is to permit aggrieved parties to sue, claiming the Constitution has been violated. I invite you to try.

  • 5 years ago

    obama supporters don't know how to read first off. Second, they don't watch informative television programs. Their sources of information come from things like "The View", "Opra", Jerry Springer, Judge Judy etc. And that's why we have our first affirmative action President that in reality is an illegal alien and does not meet the bare minimum of Constitutional qualifications. Anything he signs is defacto flawed and without legal force. And worse is the military will not have to follow his orders, since he is not their legal commander in chief.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does it have to be What Percentage of OBAMA Supporters Has Ever Read The Constitution?

    Are you calling them dumb or something? I think that obama supporters know what they are talking about when they say obama is good for our country !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes? And? I read the entire thing including all of the amendments. I had to read it when I was in law school. When did you read it? How are you interpreting it? What is it that you think these "Obama supporters," none of whom you identify, are failing to understand? Please, explain it to us. I'm dying to here this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I should have thought that most literate Americans would have read it. Isn't it taught in schools?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the same amount that read the stimulus bill before voting on it


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I imagine many have read it, the better to effectively attempt to subvert it.


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