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How can I make myself tougher when it comes to pain?

I have very low tolerance for pain. Like, for example, whenever I go to the doctors to get any shotts I freak out and it's really embarassing. And it's starting to prevent me from doing lots of things. Do you have any ideas of ways for me to toughen up?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, first of all, it depends on what kind of pain tolerance your trying to achieve. A UFC fighter might be able to take a 6000 pd per square inch blow to the temple, but if that same person got shot, he would experience the same pain threshhold as anyone else.

    There is no best way to generally increase your pain tolerance, so the best thing to do it to find the general pain that your trying to "toughen up" against. Once you've found it you can do one of two things.

    Force as muvh of the pain as you can upon yourself for extended periods of time.


    Build up the amount of pain you induce on yourself.

    This is how I became acclimated to really cold conditions. I just started going outside when it was 60-50 degress outisde without a jacket. My body hated it, but it soon got used to the change. Now I only need to wear a jacket when its really cold, because my body became acclimmated to the pain of the cold.

    Try this and tell me if it helps. BUT NEVER DO ANYTHING TO EXTREME AS TO HARM YOR BODY. Pain receptors are your body's way of saying "back away from that dangerous thing, or you've hurt yourself" Dont ignore them completly.

    Hope that helped.

  • 5 years ago

    Not each person has a difficult being pregnant. Mine has been first-rate handy. I relatively haven't any court cases. I did not have ANY morning illness, no pains, the kicking nonetheless does not harm or maintain me up at night time. It's been the happiest nine months of my lifestyles (good 7 a million/two so far. lol) I'm honestly getting a bit unhappy that the being pregnant is close to over. I love pregnancy. I'd do it once more in a moment. No affliction in any respect. And sure, I desire a little one, and any affliction I could've long past by way of could be valued at each and every moment for a lovely little one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nobody likes pain, the best thing to do is focus on something pleasant while the shot excetra is going on. Try relaxation techniques and if you manage to focus on something other than the pain treat yourself to something nice, keep doing this and you may find that you look forward to your 'treat' that you can deal with the pain.

    Source(s): Retired nurse/ chronic pain sufferer
  • 1 decade ago

    just picture what some other people do for "fun"

    lay on beds of nails and have concrete smashed on there stomachs

    have meat hooks stuck threw there backs and suspended

    walk on glass

    get tattoos and peircings

    some people enjoy boxing and MMA

    pain is something you just have to ignore sometimes

    you have to focus on the end results i guess

    i feared needles too

    until i had to get several shots in the mouth when i had a tooth pulled

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  • 1 decade ago

    hi ! well its not an embarrassing situation everyone has a different pain threshold and its acceptable just to give you some hints be positive you are consulting a doctor to be free from pain it will not to worsen the pain, always think it that way and any procedure they will do take a deep breath believe me pain is just in your mind ,,,

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