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What to make, we both have colds?

We both have bad colds here but hubby is worse. We've eaten the chicken soup (and a lot of other soups) so I want to have something different. He also has a stomachache, probably from medication, but is not vomiting or anything. I will be the one running out to the store since we really need to do some shopping. I asked him what he would like for dinner and he said deviled eggs. Ok, but that is not a dinner. I'll make them but what else could I have that won't take much energy. I don't feel well myself and I really don't want to stand over a stove. Any ideas?

Oh, also, we live way out in the country so take out is not an option. It's a 30 minute drive one way.


My brain is so foggy! Mac and cheese is his favorite so that is an excellent choice!

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mac and cheese is a good choice, quick and easy and you can let it cook while you lay down for a bit. Or you could just have sandwiches (like BLT's or something) with the deviled eggs. Maybe buy a deli salad or something even. You could always buy TV dinners too, just toss them in the oven (so you can eat together) and relax till the timer goes off. I hope that helps and get well soon!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have the cold going around our house as well. We have been eating a lot of, right out of the fridge, foods.

    Salads are light and they only take a min or two to make.

    Sandwich's are good as well. Not really a dinner dinner. We did turkey sandwich's and a salad the other night cause nobody wanted to get out from under the covers to make dinner.

    Grilled Cheese sandwich's are always a winner.

    If you feel up to it, you can put a chicken breast on the grill, cook it up, cut it up, and place it on top of your salad to make it a little bit more of a meal.

    Also, if you can handle something a little heavier, pasta is easy to make and if you get the sauce right out of the can all you have to do is cook the pasta (8mins) and toss on some sauce and garnish (optional).

    What 'sapphire' said about the pizza is a great one . .only with a less homemade twist ... you can get yourself the giant pieces of pita bread or pizza bread, get some pizza sauce, and whatever you want on top and just toss it in the oven. It doesn't require much work.

    I have to be honest with you . . . . . Ive been doing a lot of soups, sandwich's and salads just because i don't have much of an appetite with my cold and I can tell the boys to make it themselves lol. My husbands skill level consists of making a "mean bowl of cereal"

  • 1 decade ago

    I like the store bought fresh pasta, beef or cheese filled ravioli or tortellini with tomato or cheese sauce. They are super easy to make. Just boil water and cook the pasta and heat up the sauce. Maybe with some garlic toast, and of course deviled eggs. My mom used to mix in 1/2 a can of (drained) flaked chicken or ham with the egg yokes, its a nice addition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get some gingerale, ginger tea and/or gingersnaps to nibble on. Ginger is a natural soother for stomach problems........ Eggs are actually a nice, soothing dinner to have when you don't feel well, but scrambled eggs would be less trouble to make - with some buttered toast. ... My mother used to make plain, buttered noodles for me when I was sick as a child, so that's a suggestion too:) .... Remember, if you're both congested, do NOT make anything with dairy (like cheese), since that will create even more mucous. .... Here's a thought! Get some chocolate Peppermint Patties (candy) or Junior Mints. Those would be soothing too

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yea i had pnuemonia not that long ago. Oatmeal, bannanas, chicken, fish and turkey can help the organs that help fight the infections. I would do maybe a fruit salad to with lots of apples and oranges. Orange juice will just make you feel better as well. Eating less is good too, you dont want to put heavy food in your body. Boiled cauliflower has a lot of vitamin C try that too. Feel better.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Chicken with rice soup. Saltine crackers. Low acid orange juice. Flavored hot oatmeal with fruit. Plain chicken broth. Water. Push the fluids and get your rest.

  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You have to sweet and get fiever to kill the virus.

    No treatement to dicrease the fiever and warm a pot of water about two bowl add 2 soup spoons filled with RHUM or moonshein of fruts pear prune and add 2 spoons of honey.

    Then you go to bed.

    Sure it will not be payed by health insurance but it works and lot lot better

    than pills.

  • 1 decade ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How about Pizza? you get a DiGiorno garlic bread one and some mozzarella to add to it along with some extra pepperoni. I lightly sprinkle on a little oregano and red chile flakes for some zing and there you go.

    Source(s): BTW I'm doing the chicken soup tonight. I have bronchitis in full bloom.
  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well if you want to lose the cold just do what I do. I use a 'magic blanket'. You take two shots of whiskey and roll up in a blanket. Works like magic.

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