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A poem I wrote about Love?

The lover seen

Seen, not discovered

The timeless game

Not imagined, conjured, invented...

But oh....searched for yet

Through every ruse,

Through every play and poem.

Futility following a smiling call

Till weary and worn all secret abodes

Found wanting and empty

Yet it always was...

Yearning fueled

A hazy dream of homecoming

A whisper in the gentle breeze

A sparkling light from a shimmering leaf

The reminding emptiness

Behind the crashing surf

And the mocking screech of gulls

Always was

Hidden from these earthly senses

But dancing in my heart.

But oh... at last!

When gods and dreams and mystical paths

Faded with the mist

When nothing but life remained

Beyond these sorry endings

Beyond these subtle deaths

Oh i drank the eternal essence

And laughed the madman's laugh

A drunken lover

Pure and always was, behind, within, without

The imagined toiled walls

Tears and laughter - this simple play

Only love remained....

She came then

My earthly love divine

She was always there

Before the birth of a thousand worlds

She was there

No words, no image, no thing,

In Truth and love she came

Our essence shared but always so...

Sweetly gifted

Life to life

Love to love

Always essence shared.

And in this sharing

Lives the Knowing

And the Knowing lives in life.

She's in my arms...

But who now loves but love herself?

Who now lives but life?

Sunrise stillness in beauty seen

Experienced not found.

And who may separate the river from sea?

Once joined we are,

We always were.

Love knows

Not we.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    his poem is interesting!!

    mistakes will have been to my answer excuse that it is why I am a Brazilian....

  • 1 decade ago

    That was touching and it actually made sense.

    Good job!


  • 1 decade ago

    what a lovely poem. you are talented!

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