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Jim Z
Lv 6
Jim Z asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Chains we can believe in?

Change promises:

1. Out of Iraq by Sept.

2. Not one earmark will pass my desk

3. No TARP money will go to bank bonuses.

4. No taxes for people that make more than $250k

5. Cut the deficit by 50%.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. I believe he qualified that statement with a disclaimer that the specifics may change due to changing facts. Nonetheless, getting out of Iraq we are.

    2. Unfortunately, Obama was not able to curtail the activities of the tens of thousands of lobbyists in Washington in two months. Shocking, I know.

    3. Though the corruption has been lessened significantly, I can't argue with you here. There is no excuse for even a dime going to these inept scum.

    4. A promise which thus far has been kept. If you're referring to the carbon policy, that was fully disclosed in the campaign, and discussed many times. McCain also supported the same policy.

    5. That can happen, but it will take time. I don't believe he said he will do that with his first budget - especially given the collapse of money markets last September, and the ensuing economic collapse.

    Source(s): It's really up to you, but you should also probably tone down the fear-mongering rhetoric a few notches. When you make nonsensical claims like saying that letting the obscenely irresponsible Bush tax cuts partially expire or implementing a widely-used carbon abatement policy is equivalent to "chains" or totalitarianism, you lose any and all credibility with those who don't share your extremist views.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Fair justice for British people , benefits going to only those that have payed into the coffers, Deporting ALL illegal immigrants ,stopping mass immigration . Banning legal aid to those that have not payed into the system for at least two years, Stopping shyster lawyers fleecing the system and holding up the deporting dangerous ethnic preachers of hate, But don't hold your breath

  • 1 decade ago

    None of those are real Obama promises. Except for #4, and he's stuck to that one.

    He has always said that he would cautiously withdraw from Iraq, and that's what he's doing.

    It was McCain who made the "no earmark ever" pledge, Obama said earmarks can have good programs during the campaign, and wants to reform the process.

    The TARP bonus thing is for future TARP money, and it actually covers salary, not bonuses, so you're wrong there.

    As far as the deficit, I guess we'll have to wait to see how that pans out, he said by the end of his term, after all, not after one year.

    Source(s): I guess three thumbs up for the racist as hell poster above me speaks volumes about the community here.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    6. No Lobbyists

    7. George Bush's economy (Frank, Pelosi, Obama himself, Dodd, Waters, Meeks and the rest of the housing dream-team).

    8. Tax-cuts for 95% of people -- yet will still get more of your money through cap and trade policies

    9. "We need to trim the fat on the Stimulus bill" - interview w/ Lauer during the Super Bowl. The bill grew by 30 billion...he signed it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Time to wake up America. When you take a leader and back him with corporate money you have fascism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What did libs expect? The guy is a politician.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yawn, again! 2 points

  • 1 decade ago

    Very clever phrase. Very appropriate as well.

  • HUH?

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