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The song Zero Gravity - Which version is better?

Pay special attention to the falsetto in the chorus at 0:36

The version by Lim of Jackie Boyz:

David Archuleta's Version:

Who should Jive give the song to?

By the way, David Cowrote this song with a member of the band, Mike :)

Update 2:

lol, i was hoping to get unbiased feedback, but no one answered my question except my contacts

oh well, you guys rock! :))

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like them both, but David sang it wayyy better! :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    David Archuleta

    I kno I am an Archie fan, but I listened to both versions and David just makes me feel the song. Like I can feel the emotions he puts into his lyrics which is amazing! David's voice also is way better in my honest opinion and David did cowrite this song so I think since he did that he deserves to be able to release his OWN song!


  • 1 decade ago

    David Archuleta!!he's AMAZING <3

    I don't like the other people

    I actually went to davids first ever solo concert so we were the first to ever hear that song......David is awesome no one can even come close to being better than him lol :))

  • 1 decade ago

    psshh, there's not even a comparison. david's version is wayyyy better. he hits that falsetto part so much nicer than that Lim guy.

    lmao, i know what you're saying about wanting unbiased feedback, i would've liked to see what ppl who aren't crazy about archuleta think about it too but oh well :P

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  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't start listening and I know what my answer's gonna be.

    David is better. Well, so much for unbiased. =)

    I listened for a bit until "for an explanation". I paused. Am going to close tab... NOW.

    I can't stand it. It's all wrong.

    No offense, Jackie Boyz, but I loved David singing it much, much, much,much,much,(well, I think you get it) better.

    And the live version is just AMAZING. David's energy made me want to cry because I couldn't get to his concert. (You guys understand, right?)

    David's Zero Gravity could well replace penicilin in my medicine cabinet.

  • 1 decade ago

    David Archuleta's of course:)

  • David Archuleta is way better!

  • 1 decade ago

    David! It sounds SO MUCH BETTER!

    AND he can sing it live amazingly. =]

    I've never heard of Jackie Boyz either... Plus, David wrote the song.

  • 1 decade ago

    david archuleta i luff zero gravity he sang it at the concert omg i cannot wait until he releases it i check itunes 24/7 for the release of it :D:D:D

  • 1 decade ago

    David's of course lol.

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