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What is your favourite FML?


Today, I was curling my eyelashes in my bathroom and while I was counting to 5 my brother flung open my door. I jumped and ended up ripping out all my eyelashes. Now I have to wait until they grow back. FML

Today, I met a really nice couple at a bar. We talked and the conversation eventually drifted towards online dating. I casually commented that hooking up through the internet was sad and pathetic. Turns out they met on Myspace. FML

Today, my family and I were at a restaurant. We're Swedish and love talking about people in our language because no one ever understands here. I decided to comment about how ugly the girl at the next table was. She turned around and goes "Dra åt helvete." That's Swedish for "Go to hell." FML

Today, my 5 year old nephew showed me green martians he'd made with his new Play Doh set. I smiled and said, "Wow! Now, how about some blue martians!" He looked at me and replied, "How about some blue shut the f*ck up!". FML

gahaha, oh mann :P

In case you don't know, here's fml:

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Today, I found out I won a 20 000 or 30 000 dollar scholarship. After celebrating with my family by jumping around the room for a half-hour, we realized it was addressed to someone else with the same last name. When we called to tell her, she said it was weird because she had received my rejection letter. FML

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    THANK you! Someone else mentioned FML today and I didn't know what it meant. The restaurant one is hilarous! I haven't had any yet today. Must be my lucky day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats d site i go to when i'm bored....


    Anyaways, my favorites are oldies...

    .. and i'm not a fan of the sex categories....

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